cold duck

  1. Puddingtheamericana

    duckling won’t stop shivering

    i have two ducklings about 3 weeks old now, and I usually give them swim time. when they were tiny we’d do it in our sink so the water was warm, then we moved to a bucket in our shower. ducklings grow surprisingly fast and now we can’t really do swim time indoors anymore so were doing it outside...
  2. K

    I'm worried about my school's Muscovy drake.

    Hi. I attend a university in central Alabama, and my school has a Muscovy drake who hangs out by the lake by some of the dorms. He is there all the time. I've never seen him anywhere else, and I visit him every day just to hang out. It's getting a bit cold since it's mid November, and he seems...
  3. R

    Duckling stuck on side after hatching

    My very first call duck hatch is complete. 7 out of 9 developed eggs hatched (2 malpositioned were not caught in time). wanted to share the experience of my last two ducks to hatch in case anyone else has the same thing happen. both were incubated at a cooler temp with extra humidity, I did not...
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