cold and lonely

  1. J

    I have a single duck (10 mos old khaki Campbell female) will she be too cold alone?

    *edited to add photo references* (Including a photo of her “condo” as I like to call it…) She is a singleton khaki campbell duck born in March of last year. Her companion unfortunately died of a fox attack this past summer. :( She has about 6 inches of pine shavings inside of a cardboard...
  2. arstarr

    Incomplete Molt???

    One of my silver laced wyandottes started to molt and then quit midway though. She's often seen on her own so I think she is bullied. I separated her to give her time to grow her feathers in peace, but after a month of isolation she only managed to regrow the ones picked out on her back from...
  3. C

    Yokohama chick acting weird!!

    Hello! I recently got chicks for my backyard and got two Yokohamas with the ten chicks I got. Sadly one already has passed, I tried every efforts to bring her back to recovery but on day four she was gone. But now I’m left with my last Yokohama who is showing similar symptoms but at the same...
  4. M

    Single silkie alone in coop - *cold* temperatures tonight and in coming days (sun zero)- advice please

    She is 10 months. Her flock didn’t make it-mareks). She’s been alone for months (I am working on this, hard in the dead of winter in Colorado). Snow storm/cold snap starting today (image with temps below, will be in the teens by morning and sub-zero coming days). The coop I believe is draft...
  5. Andrea3000

    Winter temp drop!

    I have a single gal. Almost 1 year old Barred Rock. She was a rescue, may be getting her a sister in a few months. Anyway- For now she has a custom built freestanding coop courtesy of my brother in law. We live in central Illinois. To winterize her coop I applied black plastic sheeting to avoid...
  6. CharlieCrawford

    Winter coop numbers question

    Hi, I live in Montana and we’ve already had a week where highs were only in the teens, and nights are well below freezing consistently now. And real winter isn’t here yet. I (had) 4 chickens. A bantam got very ill a month ago and although she survived, she weighs 1lb and can’t stay warm enough...
  7. WannaBeHillBilly

    Close call: We almost lost Limpy Drake this evening 🥶😨😦

    Hi Friends, a horrible day today: Today's terrible weather caused my head to explode in the afternoon 🤯 with a massive migraines attack and i had to lay down and rest. Woke up at 8pm, still feeling ill, but i had to lock up the duckies, so i crawled into the kitchen, prepared their supper bowl...
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