
  1. OstarasEggs

    12 day EE chicks is this cecal poop or blood?

    12 day old EE chicks. We have noticed orange-reddish stuff in their poops, some almost stringy as if there is tissue in them. This has gone on 4-5 days now. Though maybe normal cecal, especially because they smell... All three seem fine otherwise, eating, drinking, lots of energy trying to fly...
  2. F

    12mo mixed flock treated for coccidosis post 2 hurricanes. Advice needed.

    Hello fellow chicken lovers! We are a homesteading fam in Central FL who has been raising chickens for about 10 years with amazing success. We love both of our chicken flocks dearly as well as all the rest of our livestock. We were directly in the path of both hurricanes that ripped through...
  3. Regrn5

    Sick chick, take a peek at the photos please need guidance TIA

    I have 2 lavender orpingtons 3 weeks, one noted to have scans on back of wings, red irritated eyes, crusty nose and crusty dry skin patches on belly. See photos. No visible mites. Eating and drinking fine. Fast forward 2 days later looks slightly better but behavior punkish, eyes remain red...
  4. O

    2 weeks bloody mucus poop

    I just got (5) 2 weeks old barred rock chicks 3 days ago. They are behaving normally! Eating, drinking, running around the brooder chirping and peeping. I noticed this morning what appears to be a thick bloody poop and wasn’t sure if this is what coccidiosis looks like? (There appears to be...
  5. T

    Need help please.

    My Americana (unknown age, adopted from farm) got sick. She had watery yellow stools, became lethargic and died. Now one of the other hens has the same stool. It’s yellow and watery, I did not see any worms. Coccidiosis? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  6. C

    My chicken is listless and sleeping standing up

    Help. My 2-week-old golden penciled hamburg was listless and sleeping standing up for 24 hours or so. She also didn't grow at the same rate as her flock. She was not drinking unless I spoon-fed her. She died 48 hrs later. All my chickens were vaccinated from Coccidiosis and Marek's. I read...
  7. S


    For the last two weeks I have had a sick flock. The first bird I noticed looking sick appeared to be lethargic. Quarantined indoors, the next day she started to act paralyzed and display splayed leg. Second bird got sick, quarantined separately indoors- she had same symptoms but also wry neck...
  8. LittlePigeon

    Coccidosis in Chickens? Or not?

    Hi everybody. New chicken mama here. I got my girls around 10 weeks old and now they're about 26 weeks old (we're guessing. One of my orps just started laying.) However, I've got one dark brahma that I'm concerned about. She started acting differently around 2 and a half weeks ago. She was...
  9. Joecarbs

    Is this normal poop?

    hi, my pullets are about 16 weeks. I’ve noticed some red coloration in some of the droppings. Also some caramel looking dropings. They mostly eat pellets and fermented grain. I also gave them some tomatoes a few days ago can the red coloration be from tomatoes? Thanks
  10. Smashmoore7

    Coccidosis Outbreak in my Flock...

    I am new to owning chickens and am desperate for help.....unfortunately I have a severe outbreak of Coccidiosis (I think) and I have done everything right: clean sanitized coop, clean run, no food on the ground they have had apple cider in water since day one and eating appropriate foods...
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