
  1. C

    Im so confused. I need help with a sick chick

    Hi everyone, Im hoping you can help me with your expertise. I recently purchased 4 chicks (2 day old BCM and 2 salmon faverolle, one day old and one week old) from a very reputable local breeder. I brought the chicks home, added them to the brooder with some other chicks that I had received...
  2. R

    chicks breathing makes a clicking noise

    i’ve seen a few others talking about this but something i havnt seen any discussion on is this scenario. i got day old chicks last tuesday and they’re all active and healthy and learning fast. unfortunately no hens took to them so we’re just keeping them inside with a heat lamp and a little set...
  3. wednesdaythechicken

    HELP chicken making clicking breaths

    Hello my 3 year old hen is making labored clicking almost heaving noises !! It’s been a couple days but I think it’s worse. She’s panting with a loud click. I have videos if someone will message me on Instagram Abby.kade I am very anxious and will not sleep
  4. Uwish

    Never mind.. can’t figure out how to delete

    I have a lil chick that is having not thriving like the others but I have been hands on since I noticed. this baby started making clicking sounds I have never heard.
  5. lunahills

    Clicking noise / sneezing?

    I feel like I’ve had nothing but issues with the chickens I brought home a few weeks ago. The one that seemed perfectly healthy is now making a clicking noise as she shakes her head, almost looks like a sneeze. Any ideas what this could be?
  6. Gerby26

    Goose with clicking sound when she walks

    I noticed my goose's foot is making a clicking noise every time she takes a step, should I be concerned she is 4-5 months old and she walks fine other then the noise with every step.
  7. 1


    My brother got a chick from his friend a couple days ago. It’s just started to grow feathers on its wings. But something happened last night where this morning it’s on one side and gasping for air. I started to give it this mixture that my brother said would help the chick and now it’s opening...
  8. N

    Hen cracked egg. Need help!

    Our novice hen stepped on one of her eggs and made some cracks in it. There are a couple small holes where it looks like the membrane is punctured. We took the egg out of the nest figuring that the mother would just clumsily step on it more and destroy it totally. It’s currently in a plastic...
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