
  1. Lars Peter

    One lonely hen left. And she might be sick :(

    Hi again, We have lost Tove, our 6 year old French Copper Maran. Now, only 5 years old Tonny is left: (Me and Tonny in the garden) Now, it might be hypokonder, since we just had to deal with a very sick Tove, but sometimes the tip of her comb turns sliiightly purple, and it also seems slightly...
  2. PAchickchick

    The Lone Chicken

    After an unfortunate accident, I lost all but 1 of my chickens. The lone survivor only made it because she's been picked on relentlessly and spent a majority of her time in the coop. From being picked on, she's not the nicest chicken and I fear she won't get along with any new chickens. I spoil...
  3. C

    Button Quail died leaving her friend on her own. What do I do? Is it best to leave her on her own, or does she need a friend?

  4. MaryKateandThomas

    Layer vs. Grower feed in mixed group!

    Hello, We have three types of chickens: Ameracauanas, Cochins and Wyandottes. We are getting eggs only from 2-3 of the chickens so far. We're sure it's at least two because we have green eggs and brown eggs, and we think we know which 3 chickens are laying. Anyway, the questions here are: 1. We...
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