chicken yard

  1. M

    Starting Fresh Yard/Garden/Chickens/Dogs

    We’re building a new house and I’m trying to figure out how to arrange the yard, garden, chicken coop and run and dog run. Our dog needs to be separate from the chickens and will have a doggie door that goes into the house/garage. His space inside the yard also needs to be able to be separated...
  2. PioneerChicks' Farmyard

    PioneerChicks' Farmyard

    Because I have multiple coops, I decided to make a short article with links to my loft, chicken run, and coops, along with a few extra notes. So please check out the links and enjoy! The Triangle Coop A great summer chicken tractor for a small flock! The Tall Coop A simple and cheap build...
  3. Rogers BY Farm

    Chicken yard hawk defense

    I read last week about using bailing string across my chicken yard to deter hawks. Seemed like an easy, good idea. I have my (their) coop and run attached by a passage door to a open yard surrounded by 100 ft of Electric poultry fencing. This has been in place for 3 year with no loses. I have...
  4. KikiDeAnime

    Muddy Run + Puddles

    We started getting a lot of rain since Saturday evening and now our chicken yard is all muddy. Some of our hens have stopped coming out to eat because of the muddy yard so I've been going and giving them food but I would like to make it nice enough for them to come out. Any ideas on what I can do?
  5. evolution of chicken houses and yards over the years

    evolution of chicken houses and yards over the years

    There isn't a coop per se at our house, although some I've seen at are creative and beautiful, true works of art. So this is just about sharing where our chickens have lived through the years. It's a rural area, no formality! and whatever was here, was used. When...
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