chicken tractor plans

  1. CluckinAround89

    Budget Build Chicken Tractor🐓

    So I needed to add a small chicken tractor to the group. I’ve looked around and didn’t want to buy any plans to do such a simple job. I did decided to do a 8ftx31-1/2in because metal is 36in wide and I wanted to give myself 1in over hang on each side. I will be using exterior paint with this...
  2. Purple Pullet Palace--small rolling coop with covered run

    Purple Pullet Palace--small rolling coop with covered run

    (For bigger views of any images or plans, click on the image or go to the gallery tab.) I've considered chickens for many years, but always had some reason (including deed restrictions!) that kept me from them. As my granddaughter got old enough to help feed, water, and gather eggs, she...
  3. Sunshine_Amy

    Will an aproned chicken tractor keep out weasels?

    Hi everyone. I'm looking at a simple chicken tractor design (here) that has an open-bottom coop. I'm going to need to modify it, but I find the idea of not having a coop floor to clean (with roosts above the ground/grass) very appealing. The creator claims years of success with this coop, but...
  4. SoilMatesofGA

    Coop Door on the Floor

    Newbie here - We’re in the process of building our first chick-mobile/chicken tractor. It has a run underneath and half of it has the coop portion on top. We’re putting our door on the bottom of the coop portion that leads to the run. My question is how big should the door/hole be? I’ve read...
  5. ChiknforME

    In tractor 24/7

    When can I keep Cornish x in tractor 24/7 ? With Cornish x when is this possible? Do I need to make a box to lock them in at night? Or just tractor....will have one end Closed in with protection from elements.
  6. SusanME

    Chicken tractor designs- advice appreciated!

    Hi! We're new to chickens (we have a dozen ten-day-old Rhode Island Reds in a kiddie pool brooder). The kids (10 & 13) and I are trying to plan for a chicken tractor or two and a coop. We'll probably start by building a chicken tractor this week, working our way up to the coop. I have good basic...
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