chicken nutrition

  1. OzarkEgghead

    Is this feed ok?

    I've raised chickens for a decade & feel very comfortable caring for them. This May, I'll be moving into new territory by adding 7 Ancona duck hens & a drake. I plan to manage my ducks & chickens as one, mixed flock. Since I've never had ducks before, I'm still researching & learning what I can...
  2. Kimi BK

    Another homemade recipe attempt...

    I am gearing up to try homemade food. I am attempting to lower my costs. We use 200 lbs of feed per month, so I think I can buy ingredients in bulk. Here is my first attempt, below. I have been buying organic corn-free, soy-free whole grain food from Scratch & Peck. I have this spreadsheet...
  3. J

    Questions about chickens that eat their own eggs!

  4. Tuna Treat For The Chickens

    Tuna Treat For The Chickens

    Skipjack Tuna, Sweet Peppers, Cilantro, and Garlic
  5. Techniques in Feeding Your Flock "Off the Grid"

    Techniques in Feeding Your Flock "Off the Grid"

    I have often wondered what I would do to feed my flock should circumstances arise which prevented me from purchasing pre-bagged formulated feed from the feed store. Hurricanes, floods, forest fires, other natural disasters, not to mention the world's shaky economy, any one of these scenarios...
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