chicken health concern

  1. RuntyChicken

    My Chicken can't kick the swollen/ sour crop

    I don't know WHERE to start. I have a chicken named Runty. Why? She was the runt and the guy I bought her from directly pointed her out and said "don't count on them all making it." This is why I bought 5 total. My town allows for 4, but 1 wasn't going to make it. Luckily, I like my mother (God...
  2. Kyn Garcia

    Worms! Pls help!

    I had a hen die a few days ago, I noticed another wasn’t acting like herself the next day.. started looking around inside the coop and found worms in poop. I went to TS and they gave me some medicated pellets. My baby, I love all my hens, but this one is my baby, she thinks she’s my lap dog, she...
  3. ChickenTenderKesha

    I need long time chicken keepers help.. pullet losing feathers, huge scabs, pus filled pores, not being picked on/no bugs?

    This has been progressing since she started growing her adult feathers. Always took longer than her hatch mates which made me think she was a rooster as all my roosters took longer to feather out compared to the pullets. It’s all over her body in spots so I can tell some of this couldn’t be...
  4. baileybiddi

    Does this look like bumble foot?

    Hello! I noticed these dark spots on my Swedish flower hen’s toes. They are symmetrical on both feet. I brought her inside and soaked her feet in an epsom salt bath to get a better look. I’m wondering if this is a case of bumble foot or could they just be callouses? I also noticed that my other...
  5. Michellew044

    Possible Bumblefoot?

    Good evening everyone, I have a barred rock named big mama (who is top of the pecking order) with what I believe is Bumblefoot. Her feet are kinda pillowy looking and one has 1 brown spot and the other has 2 brown spots (plugs?). She’s acting completely normal, walking normally and...
  6. Ashleys backyard farm

    Life span of a chicken with crop stasis

    My 14 week old chicken was diagnosed at the vet with crop stasis. The vet said at her current condition if she doesn’t get well within a week that I should get her euthanized :( I really don’t want to lose her and I’m trying everything possible to keep her alive. She’s very emaciated but some...
  7. NubbyRyuu

    FouMy First Soft-Shelled Egg This Morning

    Pretty sure it was my Leilei. I snapped her out of being broody in the past week, and she's been back-and-forth having a full crop at night. She has good weight on her, and she looks and acts fine. Contents of the egg was a normal egg white. I've been giving my babies a teaspoon of Rooster...
  8. 5

    Bald Spots for Months......Help!

    Hello! Before I dive into this, I just wanted to say that I know that I have already posted about this problem, but I didn't receive any effective help....Therefore, I am hoping that more people will see this, and offer any advice! Thanks so much in advance!! In September 2020 one of my hens...
  9. F

    Waiting for the suprelorin implant to work

    Thank you for accepting me on your page. It has already been a life saver for my girls. I have 4 hybrid girls and 3 ex battery hens. I never had any idea of the problems they go through. It’s been a real eye opener. I got my first ex battery hen an implant a few months ago as she kept getting...
  10. ChickenMasta1105

    3 month old rooster making hiccuping noises

    Hi! I gave my 3 month old chickens the 3 month old chicken feed, and the 3 month old rooster started making weird hiccuping noises. It is very infrequent though, and he is also behaving very normally, pecking around, drinking, interested in life. Although this hiccuping noise continues after 5...
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