chicken emergency

  1. J

    Chicken with egg bound symptoms but vent check shows there is no egg there!

    Hi! I'm worried about one of my chickens. She is acting lethargic and standing by herself. She is looking rather puffy, but I did a vent check but she doesn't seem to be egg bound. She also has poop on her tail feathers. She is starting to stand like a penguin. When I go over to her, she starts...
  2. T

    Buckling Knees! Help!

    Hi All, I have a 16.5 week old lavender orpington (honestly I can't tell if it's a roo/hen yet 🤷🏼‍♀️) that developed an unsteady gait about 4 weeks ago that has progressively gotten worse. He/she was hatched by a bantam hen that was broody and egg-napped it 😆 she was a great mommy to it! About...
  3. A

    Weird growth/infection on hen lower/mid back

    My chicken, Lagertha, who is a true whiting, has a weird bump on her back kinda behind her left wing. I've done some research and at first thought, it was her oil gland but now not so sure because it is a bit redder and swollen than the other photos I saw. Another thing I read it might be was an...
  4. D

    * HELP NEEDED!! * My hen has a prolapsed vent, please help me out if you can and give out some advice so I can save her!!

    Hi there everyone, My hen who is about a year old has suddenly gotten a prolapsed vent, I'm not sure what caused it but I'm really stressed out about it. I separated her from my other hens because they started pecking at her bloody vent that was hanging out and I didn't want them to pull her...
  5. C

    Change in Egg Size - Does Anyone Know?

    Hello Everyone! Does anyone happen to know if it's possible for a chicken to lay very small eggs, and then suddenly lay larger ones? I have a sweet chicken, approx. 1.5 years old, and she has been acting funny lately. A vet gave her calcium liquid, and stated that was probably the cause. Today I...
  6. C

    Re: Recent Post - Hope it Helps Someone

    Posted a number of days ago regarding a sweet hen that suddenly became sick. It wasn't clear what was wrong. She rests in the nesting box mostly, and came out once, but squawked like she was in pain. - I was able to find a chicken vet in Longmont, and they immediately placed my chicken on liquid...
  7. awyman

    Chickens Butt Infested In Maggots.

    I have a hen covered in maggots. They are everywhere on her butt. I’ve bathed her once in a tub full of fly spray and water. Then another time in water and vinegar. It seems like she has a ball of raw flesh coming out her behind. There are still a good bit of maggots on her butt. What do I do...
  8. Chicken Emergencies: Ascites

    Chicken Emergencies: Ascites

    Warning: Photos are not for sensitive viewers Several years ago, I was given an 18-month old Gold Laced Wyandotte. The previous owner, who had had her for 9 months, said she had only ever laid a handful of eggs. In the 4 months I had her I don't know if she ever laid. She appeared healthy...
  9. The Tale of Two Prolapsed Vents

    The Tale of Two Prolapsed Vents

    If you keep chickens long enough you’ll run into most parasites, injuries, illness and disease. I’ve only had to deal with one prolapsed vent, and there’s a reason they call it ‘blow out’. A vent usually becomes prolapsed when there is an problem passing a soft-shelled or very large egg and...
  10. Inkedxoxo

    Chicken can’t stand

    One of my ayam cemani juvenile roosters can’t stand on his own. He just falls over. If I hold him up he can walk he has a large appetite and is drinking water he seems fine other than the fact that he cannot stand. Any suggestion on what it can be and is there a remedy for it?! I feed all our...
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