chicken death

  1. cecimich

    Mysterious death of month old chick

    I'm not sure what I'm looking for - maybe reassurance? I got 4 chicks from a local breeder and one was sleepy and slow for the first week, but ate and drank plenty and was sometimes energetic. I kept an eye on her and she's been totally normal for the past 2-3 weeks. This week I've been...
  2. MolliMonster99

    My hen died and I don't know why.

    My family had 3 hens: Flora, Fauna and Merryweather. I named them all and welcomed them into our flock with open arms. They are 17 months old and we believe they are ISA Browns, although we aren't sure as we got them from a school hatching programme. Last night I went to put everyone to bed...
  3. Bassalonia2004

    Need help identifying Chicken death cause

    Hello, as a hobby I raise chickens and I had a flock of 40 young baby chickens, all seemed to be going fine until just about 20min ago my grandpa went out there and said one of them was dead, I was shocked to here that as they where all fine acting normal this morning, I’ve attached some...
  4. Katattack29

    My chicken died abruptly and I don’t know why

    I have a flock of 3 Buff Orpingtons. I was out of town for 2 days and the weather was 82 degrees one day and 84 degrees the next. They have shade and water but that was there first heat experience. They are 8 months old. For the 3 months that I’ve had them, Bone Saw ( my chicken’s name) has...
  5. Sbfitzge

    Death in the Flock

    Hello, I read the article on how to deal with death in your flock, but it was more on how to deal with it as humans. But I’m wondering what to do with my remaining chickens. One of the chickens was bonded with the one that was killed and when I go out to her she’s cooing really loud, almost...
  6. N

    Chicken Died this morning

    I have 5 chickens (well, had) and 2 roosters. My original chicken used to be very sweet, and then I added a few more to my flock and she became mean- even to the rooster. I am new to raising chickens (only about 4 months now) so I spend alot of time on Google until someone recommended you guys...
  7. The Dangers of a Tractor-style Coop

    The Dangers of a Tractor-style Coop

    This was my flock before yesterday. Now I've got three dead chickens and two injured. If it had been predators, I could understand. If it had been my own mistake, I'd be upset but it would make sense. No, my chickens were killed by something simple and that we never saw coming. My...
  8. A

    is our rooster hurt or mourning?

    we had a flock of 10 hens and one rooster, well the night before last one hen passed away and my boyfriend found her early yesterday morning and decided to let the rest out into the fenced in area around the coop earlier than usual.. when i went to check on them a few hours later four were in...
  9. B

    Chicken Health

    I have been having issues with my chickens living past 6-9 months. I have 3 chickens now that are approximately 5 months old and seem very healthy. My concern is one of thems breast feels non existent compared to the other two. I noticed this on one of my other chickens that died shortly...
  10. Rammy

    Chicken Attacked

    Just went out to feed the chickens and saw something black laying out in their yard. With the high winds we have had, st first, thought it was a piece of the black plastic from the coop to keep the wind off them. It was one of my Australorps. Think it was a raccoon. Her neck and head were...
  11. BrahmaMom1797

    Spontaneous Rooster Death

    I don’t have any pictures nor was I there when the he passed away this morning, but I am rather confused about the whole situation. My rooster was awake and crowing this morning, pecking around and eating and drinking water amongst his girls. I hang out with the chickens before I head off to...
  12. MiBirds

    Unexpected death! Help!!

    One of my chickens unexpectedly died today. We’re worried for the rest of the flock and would like to know why she died. She’s a buff orphington. I’m assuming we’re going to have to find a place to perform a necropsy. What do I need to do with her body in the mean time since it’s night and I...
  13. S

    Black scab, missing feathers, bothersome wing...

    The long short of it is, today I learned one of my chickens was killed while I was away. There is both a fox and a coyote in the neighborhood that animal control refuses to get rid of or help with. We are extremely saddened. Finally home, I noticed that one of my chickens has a bald spot on...
  14. Jayecookie

    Chicken Death (educational purposes)

    My chicken was perfectly healthy. Hawthorne(the chicken) died last night. I can only conclude it was an accident. My dogs love to chase the chickens. But this day, this time, they got a little to close. I inspected the body and it shows that while being chased the dog stepped on the chickens...
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