chicken business

  1. Grandma The Chicken

    Need Help for Choosing a Name for an Enterprise

    So, I'm having trouble with choosing a name for an enterprise. If you could leave some suggestions here, that would be helpful. Let me first tell you what my business is all about. This business is for humans and their chicken companions. On this business, you can find apparel for you and the...
  2. F

    My Daughter’s little hatchery questions

    Hello! My 11 yr old daughter Ava has began her own business. We have chicken and chick experience- however this month is our first time hatching with incubators. I have a few questions and couldn’t seem to find the best thread. 1.) how do you keep straight of what’s what? I know what we have in...
  3. PaletteWolfie

    Thinking of raising and selling pullets

    Hi there! For awhile now I've been thinking of purchasing 10-15 chicks and raising them until they're about 12-15 weeks old. I basically want to make a small business from selling ready to lay pullets. I've done some research on cost of chick, price of feed, what I can generally sell them for...
  4. J

    Chicken business ideas...

    Okay gang I would love your input. I want to turn my backyard chicken obsession into a chicken buisness. Since Molokai (little island in Hawaii) has no chicken buisness I though what the heck... A little back story... for the past 2 years i have raised a few heratage breeds for family use...
  5. Clearwaterhackle

    Hackle Chickens

    i own one of the rare Hackle breeds in the US. Things have changed in life and I need some help. Looking for someone that wants to either help me raise these birds and partner in the business or take over all together. Let me know if any one out there is interested?
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