chicken 1 month

  1. S

    Two 6 WEEK OLD chicks (female) for sale in San Diego area (food & feeders included)

    I've had these chickens for about 5 weeks and they are well fed & healthy. They aren't loud at all and eat well. The smaller chick just started growing its darker feathers and the larger one is growing pretty fast. The food and feeders are included with the chickens.
  2. J

    Baby chick help

    So I got these 4 chicks from tractor supply about 3 1/2 weeks ago and I think they are like 6 weeks old because they are almost fully feathered and in the excitement of getting them I didn't even look what kind they were, I believe that 3 are barred Plymouth rocks and the other might be a...
  3. Daylayna

    Chicken or turkey?

    Hey guys!! Tlittle fella is a 4.5 weeks old. There is another one just like him but has no comb. Everything about this little guy resembles a turkey but the comb. I was wondering if thi is just a mistake and they turkey will grow into its self or if he is just a chicken. I got him and the other...
  4. SavvySilkieMom

    Poop on feet! :( What will help?

    Hello there :) I am a mother of 2 Emotional support House Silkies. They are 1 month and the other is 1 month & 2 weeks old. I have them on Newspaper right now and ofcourse as chickens do they poop and step in it a lot. I love holding them but I have to shower right after everytime. :confused: I...
  5. BokBokChicky

    Hen/rooster height?

    We just got 8 chicks a month and a half ago, 3 roosters and 5 hens (ones a silkie but I have no clue how to sex a silk and the rest wyandotte/silkie mixes). They're so young but the roosters are almost as big and tall as my adult rooster! So my question is, how big and tall do wyandotte/silkie...
  6. T

    Chicks Dying- Need advice

    Hello, My husband and I are first time chicken owners. We were told it should be super easy to raise chicks and we’d have minimal problems. We first bought 6 from a local farm store that the girl working picked out and within the first night one died. Then from then on we had a chick die every...
  7. MilesFluffybutt

    Swollen joints on chick

    Hello BYC Community, I have a month old cross-beaked Silver Laced Wyandotte chick that I rescued from Tractor Supply. Until yesterday he (I think it's a he) has been an extremely active chick. Running, jumping, pecking, following me around the house, etc. Today I noticed a bit of swelling on...
  8. ILoveSilkieChickens


    Hi guys, I recently lost a one week old white silkie chick and I’m looking to replace her/him. The problem is, I cannot seem to find anyone willing to give me a 1 day to 4 week old white female silkie purebred. Does anyone know where I can get a live 1 day to 4 week old white silkie chick...
  9. MarioBranwell

    Help me figure the Breed of my 1 month old chicks :)

    Can you guys tell me what breed, Gender and color of the egg it lays. I doubt whether it is a broiler :(. I prefer it to be a Rhode island white. If im wrong please correct me! Attached below are the Pictures.
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