chick advice

  1. M

    2 week old chicks trying to fly out of brooder

    I’m new to raising baby chicks. I have a couple 2 week old chicks who are desperately trying to fly out of the brooder they’re in. They’re inside in a 27 gallon tote with all the things they need but just wondering if this is normal? Every time I open the top of the brooder to clean it they’re...
  2. C

    Lonely baby chick

    Hi, recently one of the eggs hatched of our hen and she wasn’t taking Proper care of it so I had to take it inside, however we do have a Broody hen sitting on some eggs right now, should I put the baby with her? My concern is that it’s pretty cold in the nighttime now and the chick won’t survive...
  3. F

    need advice on chick runt

    So I got all these chicks from Wilco, and they’re all different breeds. I’ve raised baby ducks many times but never chicks.. this is my first time. This tiny baby was very healthy the first day or 2 but slowly started getting more tired, doesn’t eat as much, and just stays in the same spot all...
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