chick 2 weeks

  1. B

    Silkie Chicks for sale (South Florida - Miami)

    Hello everyone! I purchased some hatching eggs and hatched a little too many :) I have about 5 white silkie chicks and 3 black (or maybe grey?). They are about 2 weeks old. $10 each (It's about how much I've spent on the eggs). I've added some pictures but feel free to message me for more. If...
  2. W

    2 Week old chick w/ weak, uncooridinated legs

    I have a 2 week old Beilefelder chick that up until a couple days ago was developing normally with no issues. Suddenly her legs became very weak and uncoordinated. She seems fine otherwise. I haven't been able to find any injury, swelling, or areas that feel hotter than normal. She she is...
  3. M

    Curled out toes - 2 week old chick

    My Welsummer chick (Lady Catherine de Bird) is 2 weeks old and tonight I noticed that one of her toes on each foot is oddly spread out. I’ve had quail chicks with splayed leg and curled toes before and this doesn’t look like either. The Lady Catherine does not appear to have any issues with...
  4. Harvey 2 Week

    Harvey 2 Week

    Harvey 2 weeks old and outdoors for the first time.
  5. axon

    Bump on eyelid and swelling under nose of a 2 week old chick

    Hi BYC 👋 I have this chick that hatched 2 weeks before along with 7 others. Last week I noticed a bump on the eyelid, it was rather small but it kept getting bigger. Pictures from it's right: Left and center: There is some swelling under nostrils as well, on the left it's...
  6. stormy and rainy week 2

    stormy and rainy week 2

  7. Sunnypollito

    HELPPP! sick quail chick. can i administer medication?

    hello. This morning I discovered one of my quail chicks with its eyes closed and curled up in the heat lamp, it seems not interested in eating or drinking. I am worried that it will infect my other chicks so I made a preparation in medicine water (I will attach a photo of what it contains) and I...
  8. K

    Need help determining if my chick is sick or just... different?

  9. 6

    Cockerel or Pullet (Hopefully a Pullet!)

    I know it’s too early to tell, but there are rather obvious characteristics with this 2 week old chick! 1) Has light feet compared to my other ‘female’ Barred Rock chick 2) Feather growth is very slow compared to my other chicks (who are the same age) 3) The small feathers it does have are...
  10. Ellasroo

    What breed?

    I got these two chicks from a silkie breeder. I'm starting to think the white one isn't just silkie and maybe a sizzle. Just wanted to share:):love .
  11. NubbyRyuu

    I Need Answers ASAP

    I need answers for this, and I needed them 3 days ago. I've contacted a few chicken people, Facebook (with a group that probably won't accept my join request, leaving me only to rely on a Silkie Group), Reddit, and called NUMEROUS vets today, with only ONE that sees chickens but is expensive...
  12. Derikoma

    Unsteady Chick Won't Drink; Food Repeatedly Stuck in Mouth

    One of our four black ameraucana chicks we got two and a half weeks ago has recently had issues eating and I'm unsure as to the cause. She has been repeatedly getting food stuck pretty tight in the right side of her beak the previous two days(which we have cleaned out several times now in hopes...
  13. Z

    One baby chick all of a sudden can’t stand

    Hi all, I have 4 chicks ranging from 3ish-4ish weeks old. One of the younger ones all of a sudden cannot Walk. It began with her slipping and so I tried doing a splint for wabbled legs but after a day (24hrs) in it she keeps falling backwards on her butt. She is also curling her toes. Tonight...
  14. H

    How to save this chick

    Hello this chick is just about two weeks old, she is having pasty butt since about 3 days ago. I attached some picture of her and her stool. Can anyone give me some suggestion? Thank you so much!
  15. B

    Severely Constipated 2wk old Chick

    Hey guys and gals, I have 6 different breed chicks, the largest out of the bunch has been growing like wildfire, I had no idea about pasty butt and ended up cleaning off all chicks 4 days ago. Noticed the bigger chicks stomach was really drooping below vent. Cleaned her spotless and it's only...
  16. A

    2wk old chick huge chest - impacted crop??

    I'm brand new to chickens. I have 6 chicks who are 2 weeks old. (I don't know what breed they are) 3 are small brown and 3 are yellow. The yellow ones are now more than double the size of the brown ones! My concern (other than wondering if these yellow ones are actually meat birds) is that they...
  17. P


    We have been raising chickens for about 10 years. we have 30 adult birds. I was going to stop but with the quarantine, I thought we should get some more. We rushed to get chicks last weekend before our state, Washington, went to shelter in place. Everyone was getting them we got what we could...
  18. AgnesGray

    What breed are we? We need friends!!

    I got a surprise assortment with my last chick order and I have a few one-of-a-kind chicks that I am trying to identify what breed they are to get them some friends of the same breed. The gray one especially needs a friend and I am thinking either Lavender Orpington or Andalusian? Can anyone...
  19. kellyrscott

    Chicks with hatch date around 9/4 in Bay Area

    Looking to pick up a couple or more rare breed chicks with a hatch date around 9/4. Please let me know if you have any available, what breads and location. Thanks Scott
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