
  1. biscotti

    Runner Duck's sunken chest? Fighting?

    This morning I noticed my one boy Runner's chest was looking different than normally and more obviously concave at the top. I'm still so new to owning ducks or birds in general, so sorry if this is a bit of a silly question. I kept an eye on him and he's eating and acting normal, but is the way...
  2. C

    Sick chicken or healthy?

    I have 3 chicks out of 19 that are 7ish weeks old they each have this lump on their neck/chest/shoulder area. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m raising them to sell and I am concerned! Does anyone know what this is? Will it go away? Will the chicken die? Attaching pictures. Also the 3 with these lumps are different...
  3. orangesplash

    Chickens down with flu like symptoms

    My chickens have chest congestion and I can hear cryptic sounds. Also some of them are sneezing. These are a total of 4 chickens. What should I do? should I give salbutamol or any anti allergy? I started gentatylosin. should I give a cough syrup also? please help.
  4. mega

    duckling swollen neck and chest to the right

    i have a 2 and a half old khaki campbell duck. her trachea appears to be tilted to the right. we pull it to the left and it goes back. it looks like half of her next chest is off centered or swollen? is this bad? she is acting fine.
  5. aussiebushgirl

    Chest conractions when inhaling

    I'm really hoping someone can help me understand what may be going on. I noticed a week ago that my silver sussex girl's comb was flopping to one side, although a nice shade of red. Two days ago I treated the girls to raw pumpkin seeds, some still attached to the fibrous flesh of the pumpkin. My...
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