
  1. Quailobsessed

    Old hen with vision loss and cloudy eye

    I haven't been on this site for a while but I have been wanting to hear some advice about my chicken with an eye issue. This is Gertrude, my 12 year old hen. Despite her age she is quite agile and healthy. However she has some vision loss, particularly in her left eye, which looks cloudy. She...
  2. emmabellybutton

    Muscovy Duckling, born with bald head, balance issues, cloudy eyes

    Okay there's a lot to say hah I have a 3 week old muscovy duckling who was born with a bald spot. When he was born up until now we've noticed that he's got some funny neurological things going on, he has a hard time with balance and spacial awareness, he'll look around the room over and over but...
  3. A

    My emden gander has eye problems.

    Hello everyone! I have a 16 year old emden gander. Two months ago, I noticed he started having trouble with his vision but his eyes still looked clear and with no drainage. About a month ago, his right eye had become foggy and he was blind in that eye. I figured this was just a normal aging...
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