
  1. Hen_House04

    Bumble Foot Help!!

    Hey there! First timer for bumble foot and it has this chicken mama in a tizzy!! I’ve soaked and soaked her foot in warm epsom salt for the past 3 days and have been trying to pull the bumble out with a pair of clean tweezers. I’ve sprayed vetrx on it every night and keep it wrapped in guaze to...
  2. AkSandy

    Is this bumblefoot?

  3. L

    Bumblefoot? Scaley Leg Mites? Foot Pad Dermatitis?

    Hello! I believe I have my first case of bumblefoot, but I'm not sure? I noticed swelling on my Speckled Sussex's feet, so I picked her up and looked at her pads and saw one scaley scab at the bottom of each foot (first 2 pics). Both pads are swollen/ puffy. They're not too firm though, but not...
  4. lvn80

    Toe wound treatment help

    Hi everyone I found a wound on one of my girls toes at the beginning of April. I'm not sure what happened but I cleaned it, applied polysporin and bandaged it. Over the course of a week I was able to remove a scab and then it started to get progressively worse. It developed a small blood...
  5. C

    Bumblefoot Treatment

    Hey y’all, My chicken just started limping today and her foot is all swollen because of bumblefoot. I soaked her feet in epsom n water for 10-15 and I dressed her feet with antibacterial and gauze. It said that I have to pick out the black ’plug’ after the soak but I didn’t do that because it...
  6. T

    Bumble foot

    Hello, I've got a Plymouth Rock who literally showed up to our home one day, and just stayed in our yard (we live in upstate NY without a fence). Never had a chicken before. We've had him now for about 5 years. A few weeks ago he started laying down most of the day and we noticed he had bumble...
  7. D

    Bumblefoot - Help!

    I didn’t notice my duck limping till the other day and just now saw her foot, none of them like being picked up. I was wondering how severe this is? I have her soaking in an Epsom salt bath right now and will put neosporn on after and wrap it. I was wondering how severe this is.. it looks bad...
  8. sscaria

    Is this Bumblefoot? How can I cure it?

    I recently saw my sister's chicken, Beb, limping around. I picked her up and checked her foot to see some sort of 'scab'. It might be bumblefoot, but since I'm a new chicken owner, this is my first case of whatever this is. Based on basic images, I can't decide whether it is or not, and what to...
  9. E

    Bumblefoot- Pus Spots Developing?

    Hello, one of our 1.5yo hens has developed bumblefoot, likely stemming from a foot injury. We believe we caught the infection early and for the last two and a half weeks we've been treating her by soaking her feet in warm epsom salt baths twice daily and bandaging the feet. We apply antibiotic...
  10. J

    PLEASE HELP! Chick feet disease?

    Hello, I am desperately in need of help. I have a 5-month-old chick that has black patches at the bottom of her feet. She lays down most of the time (as they appear to be painful). She is eating fine and we took her to the vet about a month ago and she got diagnosed with pressure ulcers due to...
  11. M

    Quail bumblefoot- quail newbie

    Hello. I'm new to owning both chickens and quails. So far so good. BUT...im pretty sure one of my quails has bumblefoot. (Photos below) I know you basically treat the same as chicken bumblefoot. However, I've never had to deal with chicken bumblefoot either. I've watched lots of videos ave read...
  12. Purple_grape84

    Bumblefoot Prep

    I had to treat one of my roosters for bumblefoot yesterday. I wasn't able to take very many photos because I was working by myself. But I wanted to post the pics of my prep in case anyone needs some help setting up. The first photo is how I was very calmly and easily was able to soak his...
  13. K

    Duck constantly turning in left circles

    I have a rather sick hen. For some background, she has a mild case of bumblefoot, and has recently had a bout with mites. I am in contact with the vets and have treated the mites and am currently treating the bumblefoot with prescribed medication. She is pretty weak. She stopped eating at one...
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