bully chicken

  1. australorpluvr

    Flock dynamic

    I'm sure this has been discussed to death but none of the previous answers exactly answer my question. I have a flock of 8 hens. They were separated, 4 in a group, from 1 day old to about 2 months for an agriscience project for my high school science class. After the project, Groups A and B...
  2. MotherofChickensUK

    1 Bully chicken in the coop at night

    hi guys, hoping for some help, we introduced 4 Gingernut rangers to our flock of now 5 hybrid hens 2 months ago, there was some chasing off of the newbies initially but nothing too bad, the only issue we have is our Speckledy hen is really mean in the coop at night, everyone comes in roosts gets...
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