
  1. growurfood

    Chicken refuses pets

  2. Pearlescent

    Is my Turkey hen broody?

    My 10-11 month old Turkey hen has been laying almost everyday for the last month. I have been taking her eggs every night, but I recently got her fake eggs to see if she’d sit on them. She sits on them daily, as well as lays an egg everyday, I usually have to remove her from the box. We don’t...
  3. Frodo the Pekin

    Mite infestation on broody hen 1 day before hatch

    Hi! Here's yet another panicked post from my first hatch adventure. This one might be the most 'panicky' yet. There's mites all over my broody and her nest, about one day from her duck eggs hatching. Tonight I went to check on her 2 duck eggs, both of which have externally pipped last night. And...
  4. Close Up Photo of my Broody Black Australorp Chicken

    Close Up Photo of my Broody Black Australorp Chicken

    This is a close up photo of one of my broody Black Australorp hens.
  5. J

    Everything that went wrong with my first hatch

    Hi there, I'd like to share my experience with my first hatch ever. We got chickens two times before, but those were hybrid chickens and they died after 3-4 years. After that, we decided to not keep chickens anymore, but when we found an Omlet Chicken coop, we finally were ready for chickens...
  6. RiXiBLu

    What are these 2 hens doing?

    I have one broody chicken(the brown one) that sits on her eggs. Whenever she’s off of her nest, another hen (the grey one) starts to sit on them too but this one doesn’t seem broody and is just sitting on them and turning the eggs like normal broody hen would. I don’t know whether they’re...
  7. A

    Found a dead chick next to my broody hen

    Today I went outside to find a dead chick next to my broody hen. There are no other chickens in with her. What could have happened? Did she kill them? And should I remove the other eggs that she’s sitting on? I left it for a while to make sure it wasn’t alive and when I came back out she had...
  8. K

    Broody hen-no rooster

    Hello, One of my hens went broody and we are trying to break her of it. We don’t have a rooster and can’t hatch/give her any chicks (at our limit). We have tried removing her from the box every time she gets in, letting her sit on a frozen water bottle and bathing her in cold water. Nothing...
  9. Chinnant

    Broody hen day 23?

    My broody hen is going on day 23 now and no eggs have hatched. This is her first time (and mine) dealing with this. Do y’all have any advice what to do next. She hasn’t got off the eggs today, but did yesterday and a few had a very faint cracks in them. Do they typically go past 21 days or? Is...
  10. agold23

    I’m a proud first time chicken grandma!

    My silkie BB (Baby Barbara) just had her baby BB3 (Baby Barbara the 3rd) who we call Pheobe, and I am so proud 🥲 I know she did all the work but it is so rewarding to see the little hatchling! Phoebe hatched July 1st or day 18 (I was unaware bantams may hatch earlier than 21 days) and we only...
  11. M

    Broody hen and egg layers

    I have a broody hen that allows other hens in the box to play their egg and then she stuffs it under here. She started with 8 and had 18 today! I used a light tonight to check and was able to pull 5 out. 13 of which are left and I know 5 are behind and will not be hatching same day. My question...
  12. M

    Broody hen on cold eggs

    Iv got a broody hen on 6 eggs (day 22 now). When she was up I went and checked the eggs to find them cold. She followed me into the coop and got back on her eggs, acting protective. This was only one of two times I’ve seen her leave the coop (I have food and water in there for her) I candled one...
  13. M

    Hatching eggs at different time throughout 2 weeks

    So originally I had one hen laying on some eggs. She was consistent until another hen decided to go broody 2 weeks later.. she than began abandoning her eggs And switching boxes every day or twice a day.. so I just put her eggs that had developed under the new broody hen with her eggs.. i has...
  14. micahdanielr

    Does anybody know how to encourage a hen to go broody?

    I have a Ameraucana/Maran hen that keeps laying eggs. But she won’t go broody already! Is there anything I can do to make her go broody??
  15. KittyRuari

    Chick Emergency

    So recently we had a broody hen and she adopted some chicks we put under her. It worked like a charm, but she was attacked by a hawk earlier today and I’m not sure what to do with her orphaned chicks. Is there any way to get one of my non-Brody’s to take over as mama, or should I just move them...
  16. barbee92040

    placing chicks under brooding hen

    I removed the eggs and placed day old chicks under a hen who has been brooding for over 21 days. We placed them around 10 in the evening and 12 hours later , she is still sitting on the chicks. The chicks did eat and drink prior to being placed under her. How long before they need to eat and...
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