brood duck

  1. C

    Need help with first time mama duck

    I posted this in the incubating and hatching eggs but didn’t get much of a response. My anacona became a first time mom yesterday hatching out 3 beautiful baby ducklings. To keep the babies safe I closed off her part of the run from the rest of the flock a few days prior to hatching. She...
  2. ben-marko

    KC are supposed to be bad parents...?

    Well, my hens were secretly laying eggs in an old henhouse and I was surprised to see them taking turns going in there throughout the day. They've laid a LOT of eggs. Good grief!
  3. sylvaniaduckmom

    Cayuga Egg - Fertile?

    Hello! My Cayuga recently started sitting on her eggs about a week and a half - two weeks ago. I’m trying to decipher which eggs are fertile. I’m especially struggling with this one. I don’t think I can see any movement inside. It’s actually pretty hard to see what’s inside. Any thoughts?
  4. Jelibaen

    5 ducks broody on 4 eggs

    Hey everybody! I have a broody problem!! So two hens went broody at the middle of May. They had like 20 eggs between the two of them and it has gone real bad. The other four hens went broody and now we have 5 hens trying to share 1 nest box, and I think its actually killing the eggs. We are...
  5. Tilly6

    Broody ducks

    So I was preparing a raised bed in the garden, throwing the weeds on the ground next to me and I hear this weird persistent hissing/panting noise. It was one of my rouen! I bent down to check on her and see if she was ok and she attacked me. Lol I realized she’s gone and built and filled a nest...
  6. T

    How to break a broody duck?

    I have a rouen hen who is broody, I let her sit on her eggs for the full 28 days and when I checked them on the 29th day they were dead. I removed her eggs, destroyed the nest and moved her into the new house I built them. It has been a week and she is still broody. When I check on her in the...
  7. Broody Duck! - What now?

    Broody Duck! - What now?

    Phase 1: Arf! Arf! Got you! You enjoy the ducks running in your backyard every day and you do your chores including daily egg-collection but then one morning one of your ducks won't come out of the house. You step inside your duck's house and there she is, sitting in a nest either anxiously...
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