bronze turkey

  1. villagelifebiz

    I want to get turkeys, I don't understand anything about it - tell me the breed for Ukraine.

    Hello, everyone, I live in Ukraine, I want to keep turkeys, but I don't understand anything about it, what can you recommend for a start. I was thinking something like this: Red Bourbon turkeys (I read about them on this site, they say they are not bad), Bronze turkeys - but maybe there are...
  2. Pearlescent

    What is my Turkey?

    I have a Turkey hen who is supposedly a Sweetgrass X Standard bronze, but I have reason to believe her mother was actually a midget white, from the photos of her mother and siblings. I am just curious as to what she is. I can’t find any pictures that look like her, she has white wing stripes...
  3. JamieMcClain

    Tiny turkey Poult

    I have a turkey poult that’s growing sooo slow. He’s about a month old and our 2 week old chicks have already outgrown him. His hatch mates quickly outgrew him and started trampling him, same with the chicks. So now he’s in a brooder all by himself. I did have to help him hatch, he pipped...
  4. Tannerwild13

    How to gender my turkey chicks?

    Wondering how I can tell what my turkey chicks are? One is slightly bigger and has a slightly bigger snood than the other but they are close in size. Feet are similar in size, I have heard one try to gobble but they were in the coop and didn’t see it. So at least one is male. Hoping the...
  5. Anita Scott

    Injured Tom

    We had 6 of our bbb survive. They are 3 months old. A couple of weeks ago, one of my birds attacked my tom on the upper part of his wing. Not sure what kind of bird, rooster, guinea or another tom. He couldn't stand, but we doctored him up and seperated him from the others. It has been 2 weeks...
  6. HaughtFarms

    I think I was sold a BBB instead of a standard bronze tom

    I purchased a poult in march that was listed as a standard bronze but at 13 weeks old is huge and very heavy. I am afraid he is Bbb. I am a vegetarian, and bought him as a pet, and could never process him. He is my sweet boy. I am concerned what to do for him as I know that the bbb generally are...
  7. T

    Sexing 9 Week Old Poults

    I got two turkey poults 6 weeks ago (when they were two weeks old) and the lady was almost positive they were a male (the darker one) and a female (the lighter one). However I’m just not sure and obviously it’s extremely difficult to sex young turkeys. I was told they were a mix of Bourbon Red...
  8. Functional Rustic

    Dog attacked my turkey and pulled out feathers....what do I do?

    A neighborhood dog got a hold of my Bronze Turkey Hen today. Dog plucked her back and lower belly feathers. I see only a small amount of can I help her? She is walking ok now and just seems traumatized. Will the feathers grow back? Is she in pain? If so, how can I help her? Any...
  9. Functional Rustic

    Cooking Bronze Turkey Eggs

    My bronze turkey, Gladys, is laying eggs now. So cool. The first few were twin yolks. I'm noticing that the yolk is much thicker than a chicken egg. How will my dishes change when I use Turkey egg instead of Chicken egg? Do you have any Turkey Egg specific recipes? Any tips for breaking the...
  10. CPT

    Bronze Turkeys

    Hello: Can Bronze turkey toms breed with Black Turkey hens? We just lost one of our turkey hens this morning, and our Tom is wandering around by himself now. So, we just found out the local hatchery has grown black turkey hens, but no bronzes. Is this possible? Thanks :)
  11. CPT

    turkey shelter?

    Hi all! We have male/female bronze turkeys and the female is starting to lay some eggs. They have mainly been outside, as it has been warm, and we don't have a shelter for them. The cold weather is starting to roll in to Idaho and we have been thinking about some ideas for night time shelter...
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