
  1. P


  2. C

    Respiratory issue in new chickens

    I recently purchased 5 ISA Browns from a nearby farm intending to integrate them into my existing flock of 18 birds, but after handling them, I’ve noticed a respiratory issue. One of the five hens has a crackling sound when breathing (rales?) and occasional mucus from her beak but otherwise...
  3. MissGreenJeans

    Sudden death of 2-yr old, seemingly healthy hen

    Hi, fellow chicken keepers. I’m hoping for some advice about next steps after my first loss. Grit, my 2-year old olive egger, died suddenly 3 days ago while I was out of town. When my pet sitter went out just after dark to lock up the coop, she found Grit lying on her side in the run, dead but...
  4. H

    Respiratory Issues with Buff

    Hello, I am looking for some help with my buff orph that is about 6 months old. As of this morning when she came out of the coop she had a whistling breath and was sneezing. She also has a runny nose. I've given electrolytes in the water and then was told oregano would work better. So currently...
  5. L

    infectious bronchitis virus 🦠

    Hi, does anyone have a good resource for a home test kit for IBV? My main layer flock or 6 month old hens have had a bit of rattling going on since late March. I gave herbs, VetRX and garlic/ACV and they improved in about 3 weeks but now their egg quality has dropped significantly. Thin...
  6. Clappmeg

    Sick Chickens, How Contagious?

    I recently picked up 3 Silkies from a local farm that was downsizing. She was practically giving them away and they're very difficult to find in my area. I've kept them separate from my small flock in that: - My chicken coop is built into my garage. The bottom half is enclosed by plywood but the...
  7. Eltopo

    My rooster gasps for air!

    Generally speaking, my chickens live a pretty healthy life and are free to roam around every weekend, but today I faced this very unusual situation. The eldest of my roosters (which may be 3 or 4 years old) is having trouble breathing, it sounds whistle-y and watery, as if the had some kind of...
  8. Cierabug


    My flock that i hatched 6 months ago has started to show signs if bronchitis , but the symptoms are still mild (occasional sneezing and a few have diarrhea).I have a hen who survived it years ago and did not know that they can be carrierers even after their symptoms have passed.She has been...
  9. RhodeIslandRedHead

    Identifying my Chickens problem

    Hello All, I found my Rhode Island Red gasping for air, making loud noises and laying on the ground, a few min after I picked her up, she seemed to be fine. I immediately separated her from the flock in fear of AIB. Its been two days (still quarantined) and she will not squawk or call out. When...
  10. CajunFeatherz

    Gapeworm (?) Treatment?

    Hey all. I'm a new member to BYC (but lurked for probably 4 years) and relatively desperate for some clear answers on gapeworm treatment. Background info: I have a flock that apparently has IB. I think it's some of my main chickens that are the Patient Zero carriers, this is my first outbreak...
  11. xXChickenXx-


    My hen HAS this disease but the vet said the vaccine won't do her any good at this point what else am I suppose to do? Vet doesn't have experience with poultry anyone know of anything?? PLEASE a vet that does treat poultry?
  12. Marge Carlson

    coughing chicken

    Hi all, I have one chicken in my flock of 17 chickens and a rooster, who has developed a cough. It's almost like a hiccup, or a tiny little sneeze that happens constantly. So far no runny nose - but she tends to be the outcast chicken in the coop and I'm wondering if it is stress related. No...
  13. SilkieLaura

    How to help chickens with bronchitis and other respatory problems

    Well, Today I took my chickens to the vet, because they were making strange whistling sounds and breathing heavily. I was horrified to find out that both of my silkies had bronchitis. Their vet gave them a shot and sent me home with some doxycycline. I love my chickens and I'm very worried for...
  14. H

    Chicken Sick, Bronchitis?

    Hi I'm new to posting on BYC and find all the current posts very helpful but I want to get a bit more specific to what is happening to my flock. I have 17 chickens, 1 of which is a rooster. All my chickens are different and lay all different colored eggs, I love them! 2 weeks ago I noticed my...
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