
  1. SilkieSplash

    Broiler chicks

    Good day I have broiler chicks and would like to know what is the best way to ensure that the temperature stays right for them without spending too much money?
  2. I

    I have a one year old male broiler chicken. What do I feed him?

    I have a 1 year and 10 months male broiler (not for consumption, he's a pet) and I noticed how he seldom eats his feeds. His feed is enertone and thought that it doesn't suits the nutrients that he needs at his age. What kind of feeds should I buy and the content?
  3. S

    Cornish cross feeding guide

    Hi! I am new to backyard chickens and I’m having a hard time finding a solid feeding guide for Cornish cross broilers. I plan to ferment the food in order to get the most out of it but I’m having a hard time finding how much to give them and how often. I will be raising a total of 10 birds...
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