
  1. GlicksChicks

    Buckeye Chicken, Good Breed or Bad?

    Hello, I know that Google always talks about how good Buckeye chickens are. They say they are weather hardy and pretty sickness resistant, but my experience with buckeyes has not been the same. The only chicken I have ever lost from sickness is a buckeye, he had trouble breathing, but acted...
  2. M

    Duck duck? Goose?

    Hey guys I had adopted two baby ducklings from a local tractor store about four months ago. When i got them one was about three and a half days old and the other one was a week and a half old. Usually i'd pick two from the same family but i absolutely fell in love with one little black duck with...
  3. B

    What breed is my rooster?

    I've had my rooster for 1 and a half years and I still don't know what breed he is. We bought him at a round up farm supply store. They had a huge cage of various roughed up roosters and none of them were identified. I just was to know if anyone has any guesses on what breed he could be.
  4. givengrove

    Mystery Breed?

    I have absolutely no idea what breed she is?! I'm only judging that it's a she... her(?) name is Sassy and she was sold to us in a mystery grab bag. I have tried my ding dang darndest to try and find what breed she is! When she was a chick I thought she was a black austrulorp, then as she got...
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