breeding pens

  1. H

    Breeding pens advice! Cockerels

    Morning all! Well it’s morning here in a very dull west cost of Scotland today! I’ve always had a flock of 30 plus free ranging, mixed breeds, 3+cockerels that generally ok the whole got on well together, they were all housed together with the geese, ducks chickens. However we had a pine...
  2. Cloverr39

    Would this work? (Collecting eggs for hatching from 2 roosters & the same hens)

    I have a plan and a single pen for 2 different breeding projects. The same hens (I might take away some hens if I'm not looking for chicks from them from a specific roo), 2 diifferent roos. Let's call them roo1 and roo2. I want to collect/set eggs from roo1 in early February. I would seperate...
  3. C

    BBS Breeding Pens

    What do y’all believe to be the best scenario in a BBS pen?- particularly Ameracaunas and Marans. Blue roo over BBS hens? Black roo over BBS pens? Any other *kind* info is appreciated too!!
  4. Kimi BK

    Sanity check breeding & coops/pens

    We are new to breeding, and new to owning roos, but have had chickens for a dozen years. We now have 12 cockerels (Australorp, Wyandotte, and Welsummer) and 12 pullets (same, plus Easter Egger), all 16 weeks old. The pullets are in a 7'x16' pen with an enclosed upper portion ~7'x7', plenty of...
  5. Ruthster55

    Should Breeding Pens Have a Nest Box or Two? Design Ideas?

    I have been busy with improving the security for our chicken run. As of now, the chickens just run together. There are a few game mix hens, the Rooster in my avatar, a speckled hen, and a couple other partridge-type hens. For the main run and coop, I am looking to go more toward games and game...
  6. K

    Chicken Tractor Build #3

    I’m going to give a detailed description of my mobile breeding pen/chicken tractor for my laying hens with plenty of pictures. This is my third build of this design, and I’ve been slowly improving it with each build. I live in southern BC Canada, so we have fairly mild weather year round, and...
  7. Breeding coop

    Breeding coop

    We started the process of streamlining our care of the chickens last year. We enjoy breeding, and hatching, but the care of the breeds and keeping them all in separate coops was too time consuming. My husband and I both have full time jobs off the farm. I am a full time Emergency...
  8. hollymh

    Coop Upgrade!

    We are upgrading from an 8x6 modified shed to a 6 hole 24ft long breeding pen so we can separate our silkies and polish/polish frizzles by color. I found Jebs breeding pens and we based our plans off them loosely. We built a small mix-pen coop as we are calling it a few months ago, and decided...
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