
  1. choppedliver

    Loud rooster control experiment

    So my rooster crows all day every day. Super loud and annoying. Today i tossed the flock some sourdough pieces of bread and since then he’s been pretty quiet all day. Like, insanely quiet compared to his usual behavior. I have to pick up more bread but if anyone out there has some left over...
  2. chixluv

    Delicious Yeast Rolls/Bread Recipe

    Hi All, I love to make bread and am sharing a tasty Yeast Roll recipe below. However, instead of making all rolls, I usually separate the dough in half after the completion of the first rise and place it into a loaf pan to make a loaf of bread, and shape the remaining half of the dough into...
  3. chickennuggt

    What bread are my chickens ???

    I wasn't told the bread when I got these three i think the one in the front is a buff Orpington but not sure and idk about the other two does anyone have an ideas what bread they are ???
  4. Batter Pepper Rye Bread

    Batter Pepper Rye Bread

    This bread is perhaps one of the easiest yeast breads I have ever made. You do not need any special knowledge or equipment, it requires only a few special ingredients, and comes together quickly, with just one short rise. I clipped this from the Detroit Free Press probably 30 years ago, and lost...
  5. Gluten Free Bread (No Kneading Needed)

    Gluten Free Bread (No Kneading Needed)

    This article is on how I make my homemade gluten (and milk) free bread. (Pictured below) :D What you'll use: This is everything that you will use for supplies, ingredients, and the amount for each loaf. Please make certain that you have all the ingredients before you start so...
  6. CanadaEh

    using feed grade grains for making bread or beer?

    Just wondering would it be safe to use feed grade whole grains, specifically whole barley for making bread or beer, does any one do it and would I need to wash and dry it first before crashing it in a corona mill?
  7. S

    Duck bread/sex?

    Hey everyone, does anybody know what kinda of ducks these are? And possibly their sex? We just recently got them from our neighbor and they werent sure. White one was fully white when we got it, starting to get a bit yellow underneath. Brownish one was pretty much brown with some white, now its...
  8. Egg in a Nest

    Egg in a Nest

    This recipe is a family favorite, which coming from a large and picky family is a miracle! And now, I will share with you the secrets of making this simple but delicious breakfast that you can cook in just five minutes! Ingredients: -Bread -Egg(s) -Butter -Salt and pepper (or another seasoning...
  9. L

    Breed and gender

    Hi everyone. We’re new to chicken raising and purchased our chickens from a local farm. I have tried to figure out their breeds and genders but feel like I’m failing 😬. They are 4 weeks old. Can anyone help identify their breads and also their gender? Thank you!!!!
  10. A

    What is it?

    I bought this chick thinking they were selling me an austrolarp but it has feathers on it legs and I'm sure austrolarps come feather free. Does anyone know what I have invested my time and money into here?
  11. Henry672

    What bread are my newbies?

    Hi I hope that I have taken good pictures. I know that they are I just adopted these guys a few days ago I have been told the hens lay White and pale brown eggs when they lay. I'm looking to find out the breed thanks in advance for the help
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