boredom busters

  1. talkinboutchickens

    Am I missing anything? Should something be added to my run?

    Hi all!! Yesterday I had to do a little clean-up outside, which then of course led to me getting off track and renovating the chickie's run. So this is what I did. I added more dirt to their dust bath which they love, it is literally just an old kiddie pool filled with regular 'ol dirt, not a...
  2. matthennessy

    Run space for 2 chickens

    Hey y’all, I have 2 black australorp hens in my backyard and they are currently in a 10x6 run with 2x3 coop. Although it’s said to have 10sq feet of space per bird, even having triple that with each of my birds getting 30 sq ft, they seem to always want more. Now I know this is normal and...
  3. matthennessy

    Chicken boredom busters? How can I keep them entertained in the run?

    Hey all! I have 2 laying hens in a 10ftWx6.5ftLx6.5H run (I will attach photos of our setup) but they constantly seem to be pecking,digging, and snooping around the edges and door of run where I come in and out. It seems like they spend all day looking for a way out as they can see the rest of...
  4. theroosternamedrooster

    Lone Rooster - tv/movies for him to watch? iPad games for him to "play"?

    For those with chickens that like to watch tv - are there any particular shows or movies that your chickens seem to really enjoy? (anything on Netflix, Hulu, Prime, Youtube...) I spend a lot of time outside with Rooster, as he is all alone (I live in east LA, he was dumped in our alley so he's...
  5. Keeping Chickens Without Free Ranging

    Keeping Chickens Without Free Ranging

    Many people out there long to have our feathered clucking friends, but may not be able to free range the flock as most people are able to do. Because of this many people end up not getting chickens because they think the flock will be unhappy if they don't have access to a large yard... Well...
  6. Samannemm

    Boredom Busters in Polar Vortex

    I think someone already started a thread like this, but I couldn’t find it! Anyway, I have 3 hens (after a predator attack a few weeks ago took out my other hens) one black star, one red star, and one polish. I used to have two polish that would be picked on, but there were two of them and it...
  7. MyISAbrownhens

    Keeping my Chickens Entertained

    I have always been worried about my chickens getting bored, especially since they aren't free range. During the warmer seasons I would give them things like blue berries in cold water to fish out, put out cricket tubes so they can catch them and made little scratch dispensers from water bottles...
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