blue plymouth rock

  1. Corgiqueen

    What gender are these Blue Plymouth Rocks?

    Hello everyone, I recently purchased 2 chicks from a local feed store. The chicks were labeled as “Blue Plymouth Rock Chicks”. The chicks are about 3 weeks old. The chicks were also labeled pullets but I know how accurate that can be. These are the 2 chicks. I’m almost positive one is a rooster...
  2. C

    Blue Plymouth Rock pullet or roo? 5-6 weeks old

    New chicken owner here! Please help me identify if this blue Plymouth chicken is a pullet or roo. Supposed to be a pullet! Age: between 5-6 weeks old. I’ve gotten mixed answers everywhere half say hen half say roo. This is a mix between blue Andalusian roo and barred rock hen. On one of the tail...
  3. TheMrsChick

    Newbie to Broody 🙋🏻‍♀️

    Hey! out of our flock of 15, one little lady (she’s either a blue Plymouth Rock or an Olive Egger, I still can’t tell the difference. Feel free to enlighten me!) and she’s 5 months old. She *might* have started laying eggs just recently but there are 12 others that I’m trying to keep up with, as...
  4. JoRiddle

    Blue Australorp vs Blue Plymouth Rock

  5. Littlesquare

    The Happy Hart Chicken Flock: Meet the Flockers

    Hello! I've been on here not quite so long, but I feel like I've been asking so many question about my chickens, so I figured I'd join the discussion and introduce them to you! I also thought it would be nice to document our first flock so that we can come back and look at our starting point and...
  6. Stephlirio

    Blue Plymouth Rock or Blue Old English?

    Hello to all! 🙋‍ so I got this chicken here a a little over two weeks ago. She should be about 10 weeks now. I got her as a Blue Plumouth Rock but when I posted a picture of her on facebook two people were adamant she was a Blue old English. 🤷‍ what are your thoughts? The last picture where she...
  7. Aryetheral Waalburgus

    Just got baby chicks! Pics!

    I got 3 little female chicks from Southern States yesterday to add to my flock of 5. They are doing quite well! One Ameraucana, I think I'm gonna name her Tzipporah: One Buff Orpington, I'm gonna name her Sappho: And one Blue Plymouth Rock, name as of yet undecided:
  8. HenHouse4Life

    Newest additions

    Just got these lovelies over the weekend :love Blue Plymouth Rock
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