blue copper marans

  1. P

    Meyer Hatchery: A Raise A long (Black & Blue Copper Marans, Cuckoo Marans, Easter Egger and Olive Eggers Galore)

    Hi all starting this thread pre-emptively as I'll be getting my chicks in the next couple of days. (Anxiously waiting on shipping to be updated as it's been 12+ hours with no movement lol). I know I need to be patient but I'm anxiety ridden cause shipping not being updated has happened on my...
  2. kurby22

    Blue Copper Marans frizzle!

    I just thought I would share, because I did not know BCMs could be frizzled! I got Ms Frizzle from a breeder who thought she had a bunch of barnyard mix chicks because some were frizzled so she assumed her Marans and Cochin had an mated. However, when I was talking to her and showing her all of...
  3. silverchick_161

    Blue Copper Marans - roo or pullet?

    Meet Bluey, a 6 week old Blue Copper Marans. I'm thinking pullet so far based on her bahavior and looks. Is it too early to tell? She/he is from a straight run.
  4. Turkey Girl

    What is the chances of getting a Black Copper Marans If I breed Blue Marans?

    Hi! I was wondering what the chance would be of getting a Black Marans if I breed two Blue Marans together? Could I get a splash or would they stay blue? Thanks, Turkey Girl
  5. Momoftres

    Little older... still pullets?

    Two of my Buff Orpingtons are nine weeks, the other two are seven weeks. My blue copper Marans is also seven weeks. Are we still thinking they are all ladies? Thanks everyone!
  6. nmunroe

    Blue Copper Marans Cockerels - Which has best conformation

    Hello everyone. I was hoping for some advice. We had purchased 3 straight run blue copper marans. 3 out of 3 ended up being cockerels. We are going to keep one of them. I was wondering if anyone could provide insight on which one conforms best to the Marans standard. I am located in the USA...
  7. E

    Maran chicks

    We have 3 baby Maran chicks we hatched from our flock. We know it is early to know the sex, but we have fun guessing with the kids. Would love to know what you think/guess!? First 2 are of our grey Maran which hatched on 4/30. Next 3 are of black and white faced which hatched on 5/8. And last 3...
  8. ChickChic00

    Blue Copper Marans?

    These 3 are supposed to be bcm and I just wanted to know if anyone else thinks that they are the blue Copper Marans also. They were supposed to be all females but the darker one is a bit smaller and looks like a rooster. Any help is appreciated!! Thanks in advance!!
  9. Magicman1623

    Barnevelder / Blue Copper Marans Cross

    I have a Double Laced Barnevelder Rooster that I was considering pairing with my Blue Copper Marans hen....has anyone done this and what does the outcome look like?
  10. T

    Blue copper marans feathering

    I have this gorgeous blue copper marans pullet, which is perfect in every way, exept for one. I've noticed a few tiny white feathers on her head. I'm trying to get my marans as perfect as possible, so this is quite imporant to me. Is this allowed? And can it be easily worked away? I'm planning...
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