
  1. T

    Daily shedding of bloody intestinal lining for weeks…what’s wrong???

    Can someone help diagnose this mystery issue with my pair of new -indoor only pullet/cockerel? I have yet to hear anything from the breeder and I’m very worried. I ordered older birds specifically to avoid hatchery issues this time 😞 I ordered a mature pair of orpingtons bantams that arrived...
  2. F

    Yet another (Canada based) de-worming thread! (GROSS PIC WARNING)

    Yet another de-worming thread on this forum, however I would just like to verify the things I've gleaned off of this website as well as ask for help with what I think are severely ill chickens (at least one of them!) So I made a mistake, we saw some "1 year old hens" for sale locally of...
  3. Diveks

    Coccidocis? or did the feed do this?

    My chicks had diarrhea and abnormally smelly poo and one of them seems really tired, so i decide to treat the chicks for cocci (they dont sell corid here but it has amprolium in it). after a week the chick was getting better and no more diarrhea but the chick didn't seem to be fully well. i had...
  4. kennabug987

    URGENT: Please help! My new chickens are sick!

    3 days ago, I acquired 3 Ameraucaunas from a backyard breeder (whom I have never used before) 2 pullets and 1 roo. They are 3-5 weeks of age. I noticed that their droppings were very smelly when I first got them. After a day of having them, symptoms began. I came to feed them in the morning and...
  5. R

    Bloody diarrhea on 3month old pullet

    Please help... i found yesterday my 3month old pullet having bloody diarrhea, less eating/drinking/activeness. Started yesterday mixing trimethoprim+sulfamethoxazole in her waterer. We don't have Corid available in our country, also tried in our place to find amprolium but there is none. Today i...
  6. FrySauce

    Bloody feathers and poo, but just one.

    My BO has bloody feathers around her vent this morning and I found a single bloody poo in the coop. She’s behaving fine and her poos now look completely normal. She’s not laying yet, but should be getting close. I’m not sure what to do. Could it be coccidiosis with just one bloody poo or is it...
  7. alcstreetman

    Cocci questions!

    If a flock has been treated with corid, can they still get cocci? Does it hurt in any way to treat them again? If they are on medicated feed, do I need to stop giving them medicated feed after a round of corid? Does this look like a bloody stool? (hard to see, the stool itself didn't look...
  8. SlatyGapSis

    Bloody poo and feather picking

    My chicks are two weeks old today, I think. Have two separate bloody bums and not sure if these two things are related. I found a few dark poo’s and a chick with what appears to be blood on the edges of her fuzz around her vent. Pics of poo and booty below. And another chick who appears to...
  9. D

    Dirty Egg

    Anyone know what causes this? The egg looks bloody and has clumps of tiny egg-like things stuck on it. My husband thinks its calcium depisits. You can see in the second picture it cleans up well. It seems to me that the blood would be from an irritated egg duct, but why is that and what do I do?
  10. webbysmeme

    That possum clawed one of my old girls! Help⁉️

    Here’s a picture of everything that I have. What can I do for her?
  11. XoPandora


    so I have a question the last few weeks every now and then we get an egg that has blood smears on them. Today they pulled one out of the pin as all the others started targeting her today. So I came over as she's one of mine and sure enough there's blood all over her but. Is there any way to fix...
  12. Terri E

    Father attacks chicks. 1 dead,1 survived.Help in healing that 1 please.

    I have a pen with Roo and 3 hens. 2 chicks hatched close to a week now. Today, looked onto them and saw the rooser, Andre, attacking the chicks. When I got there, 1 dead, 1 still chirping but barely. Not even moving. So, as I was getting the dead one, both hens started to attack me. I...
  13. J

    Blood in eggs

    We have four hens. Great girls they're. We cracked an egg tonight and there was some blood in it. To hens are the same breed so we know which one it could be. Thanks for the help in advance.
  14. Lazy Farmer

    Blood exploded out of my bird

    I have a few chickens about 4 to 5 weeks old in a good-sized brooder. It is kept in very clean conditions, clean water and plentiful food. When I clean brooders I have extra brooders so it is easy just to swap the chickens back and forth and use a fresh brooder. This morning while I was checking...
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