blocked crop

  1. K

    Sour crop help needed, possibly impacted

    Nugget is a 3 year old Novagen and is the last of my first batch of hens. As a first time owner I started with only three so I wouldnt be overwhelmed with my new experience. I have read this site since day one and truly appreciate all of the knowledge here and I continue to learn things here...
  2. TylerEngland

    safest way to clear impacted crop?

    Hi there! And thanks in advance! I feel like I'm having every new chicken mama problem and I'm so thankful for this community. My 8mo EE, Blanche, appears to have an impacted crop. I first noticed that her crop seemed rather full+firm yesterday morning, but I figured that maybe she had gorged...
  3. P

    sour crop , can't get rid sour crop

    12 week old chicken started with a full crop. The crop felt like it was full of sand or grit. Isolated the chicken and took food away and crop went down somewhat. Put chicken back into coop and then 1 days later was filled with water and still grit or sand in there (sour crop) but it does not...
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