
  1. F

    Sudden Death in quail, intestinal blockage?

    This post describes my attempt to determine the cause of a death of a quail, so it has lots of gross details! Please do not read if it will bother you. I went outside this morning to take care of my girls (three month old quail) and found a dying quail. She made no reaction as I reached for...
  2. B

    Very sick chicken any advice please; EYP at home treatment

    My lovely 4 year old ex battery hen has become really unwell over the last 48 hours, unfortunately due to new year and a bank holiday I can’t get to my vet until Tuesday at the earliest. Can anybody offer any advice as to what could be wrong and also how to make sure she is not in pain. Edith...
  3. B

    BB White Turkey Stopped Eating

    I have a female BB Turkey that has stopped eating and I'm currently at my wits end on what to do. I do not feel any blockage in her crop. She was recently dewormed with the SafeGuard goat dewormer. She does not have sour crop. She drinks a lot of water, so much so that it collects in her...
  4. L

    6 week Australorp - potential blockage?

    Hi all. Newish member and first post, though I've lurked here a while and learned so much. I am a brand new chicken keeper with my first batch of chicks who are currently between six and seven weeks old. I am hoping someone can advise me about my sick 6-week-old Black Australorp, Dolly. Long...
  5. Aussie-Chookmum

    Impacted Crop? How do I clear it?

    My hen's crop is full and hard when she goes to roost at night and is still quite full first thing in the morning, though not as hard. My other hens have little to no palpable crop in the mornings. Does this mean it's impacted and if so how do I help her empty her crop? I think this has been...
  6. ButtercupSunshine

    PLEASE HELP! Issue with 6 wk old emu chick!!!

    Our 6 wk old emu chick started acting off about 3-4 days ago. She just wasn’t holding her neck/head right. She was eating when I noticed her moving her move slow and drooling while trying to eat, we felt uncomfortable enough to take her to the ER vet where they informed us they had some...
  7. TylerEngland

    safest way to clear impacted crop?

    Hi there! And thanks in advance! I feel like I'm having every new chicken mama problem and I'm so thankful for this community. My 8mo EE, Blanche, appears to have an impacted crop. I first noticed that her crop seemed rather full+firm yesterday morning, but I figured that maybe she had gorged...
  8. I

    how do you help a "constipated" duck ??

    One of the ducks we keep has what can only be described as intense constipation. Initially, we suspected by the ducks behaviour she was eggbound (not eating but drinking, abdominal straining and swollen cloaca area) but upon inspection the entire area was plugged with feces and the cloaca...
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