black soldier fly larvae

  1. Shimmerpuppy

    My black soldier fly larvae smell

    Hey everyone, My bsf bin is up and running like gang busters. Somehow I'm breeding some different types of beetles too. That was unintentional, but the chickens love it, so I'm gonna let it ride. When I pull my catchment bins to feed the larvae to the chickens there is a distinct apple cider...
  2. TaylorGlade

    Any such thing as too many black soldier fly larvae

    I know that chickens are not supposed to eat more than 10% of their diet in treats. What is considered a treat? If a chicken free ranges, it eats lots of bugs. Is that a treat? Is there a difference between the bugs that chickens eat free-ranging, and black soldier fly larva? I guess what is...
  3. H

    Uses for spoiled chicken feed?

    Anyone have any good uses for spoiled chicken feed? Obviously they can't eat it. I opened a whole bag the other week and found it had clearly been wet and smelled moldy. Definitely didn't use any of it for the birds. I'm curious to know if there is a way I can use it for something instead of...
  4. M


    does anyone feed grubterra rather than oyster shells? I just started on the grubterra and just wonder what amount is good for a flock of 15 ladies? I've been giving them a 10oz mug in the evening kinda feel like that is too much...
  5. Shimmerpuppy

    Ants getting my baby BSF larvae

    Hi all! Hoping to get some insight here. I just started a BSF larvae bin. It is a very simple construction. Just a bin on some cinder blocks with some pipe ramps stuck in it. We put some kitchen scraps along with the dead snake that got 3 of our baby chicks (serves him right) in there...and...
  6. GarrisonH

    Black Soldier Fly Larvae for sale

    Hello! I have just started a soldier fly composting project in NYC and have an excess of live larvae that I'm looking to sell. After several months I finally established an indoor breeding colony and now it seems the sky is the limit for how many larvae I can produce. I use them personally to...
  7. R

    When can I start feeding treats?

    Hi all, I have a small flock of 1 EE that is 7 weeks old, and 7 BO's that are 4 weeks old. They have been living in their coop for just over a week now. During the day they have access an outdoor covered run, and at nights are in the coop. Am I ok to start feeding them treats like mealworms...
  8. Littlefrenchyinbigtexas

    Product trial - look how the chickens run for their treat!!!

    We were offered a bag of the GrubTerra black soldier fly larvae. All our poultry loved it. Chickens, turkeys, quails and ducks.
  9. FrostyWind

    Can an insectivore only eat Black Solider Fly larvae and survive?

    Hi Good Day I'd like to know if Insectivores could eat only Black Solider flies or they need a variety of different insects too? Like birds that only eat insects like a Wren? Can they survive from only eating black Solider fly larvae? Thank You
  10. Taliasun

    BSFL (Black Soldier Fly Larvae)

    Anyone raising BSF? Tell me your secrets!
  11. Krazyquilts

    Free trial of "Grubblies" I'm not at all affiliated with them. They just showed up on my Facebook feed and the chickens said they would stop laying if I didn't sign up for a free bag. Just thought I'd let everyone else know too!
  12. maya.fh

    Hi from Ann Arbor! & Black soldier fly larvae

    Hey everyone! So excited to have found such a great community of chicken enthusiasts. I currently live in Ann Arbor, MI, and I grow black soldier fly larvae off brewers' grains and then harvest the larvae as a delicious high-protein chicken treat. My parents own a restaurant, and they source...
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