barred rock hens

  1. G

    2 different breeds I own are still smallish

    OK, if this post is in the wrong topic, please forgive me. I have 2 breeds of chicken I am raising for eggs. Golden Comet & Barred Rock. The Comets were bought March 2022, the Rocks in July 2022. They are fed well with powdered vitamins added at least 3 times a week. I have fed them a lot of...
  2. PeepOverlord

    Eggstreme Daily Drama with newly laying hens

    I have 8 free range hens, 5 nest boxes and every morning it's Eggstreme Drama until after they lay. The hens have been laying for a month now. I thought the drama would go away. I was wrong. Karen Delaware Previously laid eggs in my cat's cube bed, on a workbench, on a mini fridge and in a...
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