
  1. Moose0

    Indoor coop outdoor run questions

    Hello, question for someone with more experience. When y'all build a hen house that's inside another structure (ie. the Run is outside but u build an attached coop inside like barn or shed.) does anyone bother with insulation or does being inside do enough during winter? What about light and...
  2. Margaretlumley01

    Fly problems with donkeys

    Does anyone have any suggestions for fly control? My donkey is a bit of a special case I fear 😂. He gets really badly attacked by flies in the summer. I’ve tried multiple different fly sprays, I use swat cream, and Vaseline on his legs where it gets especially bad (they are raw from him biting...
  3. Elpajaro

    New in the business

    Hi Colleagues . Happy Tuesday I have a couple of questions. I want to start a family business related to chicken poultry. However, I dont have enough expertise on this but the will and a very general knowledge. can somebody walk me thru the process? My plan goes as follow: 1. Renting a...
  4. R

    Turkey poults in 5-6week range can they go into outdoor coop?

    Hello! I have 6 BBW turkey poults that are in the 5-6 week mark, they are feathered out everywhere but under their wings, they are almost 2 lbs each and have outgrown all fully indoor spaces. Its staying above 50°F at night and up to 70-80 during the day. I have finished prepairing their mostly...
  5. bufforpington42

    Electrical Question! Help!

    Goal: Bring electricity to my barn via extension chords as safely as possible (which I know is not the safest, but it's what we must do for now) Information you may need to know before I start asking my questions: Last winter we ran 2-3 extension chords from our garage to our barn. Distance...
  6. valper

    How can I keep my chickens from roosting on the barn beams?

    My chicken coop is a repurposed large room in my old barn that I fixed up for my first flock. They have plenty of roosting bars (made from trees) and places to "sit" if they need to, for example when they huddle up if it's cold. So even if they have several spots to choose from, they always...
  7. ChikAnne

    Sacrificed My Arm for my Chicks

    I was almost done with the chicken aviary I had dreamed of for years when I stepped in a whole the dogs dig (Dog sitting, not my dogs) Coming off a ladder. My daughter and her friend came over and ended up finishing the coop part to safely transfer my fast growing chicks.
  8. Fort Clucks - A secure Run and Coop for six Chickens.

    Fort Clucks - A secure Run and Coop for six Chickens.

    We live out in the country, in a country style subdivision, in Central Texas near Ft Hood. We have houses around us, but they are all on an acre and a quarter or more sized lots. Lots of small livestock out here, like chickens, goats, and horses. My wife had a pet chicken when she was growing...
  9. Patty Johnson

    Hello everyone!😃

    I need suggestions to help with my muddy chicken run. My run in coop was built from an old barn. The framing was good so this is not your ordinary small little store-bought chicken coop. But what we did not realize was the rain water drains directly down to it. We tried to put in a concrete...
  10. W

    Run In Barn to Coop

    So we are hoping to convert half of our run in to a coop. The other half we use for storage for our wheelbarrow, mower etc. Apparently the only photos I have of it on my phone (currently at work) also have my horses in it blocking most of the view so hopefully you can peer past them, LOL. We...
  11. christatothemax

    Old Barn into Coop?

    Hello everyone! This is my first post, aside from my introduction. Thank you in advance for your help in using my old barn for a coop... maybe? Pending your thoughts and advice! I am a complete newbie at this and appreciate your patience and help. I live in NW Ohio and have a fairly decent...
  12. M

    Heritage Farm Chicken

    Hello all, I have recently moved to a family farm of 125 years. It has been furloughed for a few years since the last real "farmer" in the family died a few decades ago. I have taken it upon myself to restore an old hip-roofed barn of 1500 ft2, but larger animals are not for me so I will be...
  13. Functional Rustic

    Introducing Functional Rustic

    Good morning Back Yard Chickens from Functional Rustic on this cold Michigan day. I joined the duck loving community back in May of 2017 when we got our Muscovy ducklings. Not only have I learned a lot about ducks; those quirky creatures inspired me to start my own repurposing business out of...
  14. CPT

    Turkey Roosts?

    Hello! Just got 4 black turkeys; I don't have any roosting areas for them at the moment. We have a goat shed/barn for the goats and I'm thinking about putting roosting bars in there, but not sure if our new turkeys will go inside of it. Or maybe build some kind of 45 degree angle roosting...
  15. C

    Barn Conversion Advice Needed

    We have a horse barn and I'm working on converting a few stalls for our chickens with access to an outdoor pen. I have covered the lower portion with field fence and the portion above it with machine wire (difficult to see in pic). I'll be covering the open stall doorway to the right of the...
  16. Ash_lie

    Fellow Barn Owners

    Hello! We own a big old barn built in the 1860's. I am currently turning an old animal stall into the chicken's winter vacation home. Anyone have suggestions as to what put down on the floor? What's there now is dirt. The fine dusty stuff that kicks up really easy. I worry the chickens...
  17. AB Gamebird Farmer

    Rabbits as Sacrificial Loss Prevention

    I hope my creepy title caught your attention. Back story: Since I am not a millionaire i didn't feel like buying hundreds of feet of chain link wire to build my pheasant, chicken and turkey enclosures. I used poultry wire which is real good for keeping poultry in.... while predators kill...
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