bare back

  1. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Chickens Losing Bum Feathers & Poopy Bums (Eight Months Old)

    Howdy! This is my first post on Backyard Chickens. I am a first time chicken keeper. I've learned a lot from other threads on this site. However, I haven't found an answer to my particular problem. I mail-ordered chicks (from Chickens for Backyards) back in July of 2023: three Buff...
  2. X

    Bare backed and sun burned

    Hello ! I have chickens that am assuming have been over mounted by rooster. They have little to no feathers left on their backs. I bought them saddles to protect their backs and hopefully allow feathers to grow back .. accept it seems to have made it worse, now the feathers will not grow back...
  3. zs14

    Missing Feathers/possible illness

    Hello all, We got our chickens a bit over a year ago, we have 25. I have not been home all year, so other family members have been caring for the chickens. I was warned that one of the birds named “my friend” was bullied pretty badly. Anyways, upon my arrival back home, I waited for night time...
  4. Chickenunsernam

    Chicken's feathers don't want to grow back

    Hi everyone- I have this chicken that her back is absolutley bare and her wings and neck are losing feathers. Her tail feathers are gone. She's with one rooster but this rooster has like 7 other hens with him and he's very old he mates less with them ( he's like 9 years old now) I thought...
  5. M

    lost and scruffy feathers

    I have 7 hens that started laying in September. I put a timer and light in the coop to keep them laying through the winter. Now their feathers are showing a lot of the softer, fluffier underfeathers and a couple of the hens have lost a lot of feathers on their backs near the tail. No...
  6. Bkyrdpeckrhed

    Oh Feathers

    It is January 2018 in Eastern PA. My birds are well cared and get well fed but their feathers still aren't looking too good. I have 12 hens and 1 rooster. I get a dozen eggs per day but sometimes only 11. How long does the molt last? They look pretty scruffy and some have feathers missing...
  7. Steph S.

    Reintroducing a Chicken to the flock

    I am having an extremely hard time reintroducing a Golden Comet to my flock of 8. Here is my story: In the spring I noticed my golden comet "Peep Junior" was getting picked on by the rest of the flock. One day she had a bloody comb and an injured food and was hiding in the corner of my coop...
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