bald head

  1. S

    Journey - Any minute!

    I decided that I needed a goose or 5 to help alert me to issues with my Chickie-doos. My pyrs bark so much, and it’s never anything important, so I quit running to the window 8,000 times a day and night about 2 years ago. Geese should, from what I’ve read, be a more dependable alarm for...
  2. T

    Non-Emergency Feathering Issue

    Hello! I have 5 chickens that feather well, 1 chicken that has a sparse tale, and 1 chicken that has no head feathers and lost wing feathers on the tops. Everyone went through a molt this fall and feathered just fine save for the two. The really bad one has had a bald head for three months...
  3. M

    Bald spots on my chickens.

    Hey there! I am assuming this is due to mating as spring time is here but about 4 of my chickens have bald spots. I have bantam frizzle rooster and I guess he is trying to mate! This is my first time having a rooster in my flock. Here is a photo. I’m hoping folks will give me ideas on how to...
  4. emmabellybutton

    Muscovy Duckling, born with bald head, balance issues, cloudy eyes

    Okay there's a lot to say hah I have a 3 week old muscovy duckling who was born with a bald spot. When he was born up until now we've noticed that he's got some funny neurological things going on, he has a hard time with balance and spacial awareness, he'll look around the room over and over but...
  5. M

    Bald Chicken

    Hello everyone, first time poster. I have a flock of 12 ladies, black australorps, barred rocks, golden and silver laced wyandottes. They are about 15 months old. We have a coop, an outdoor enclosure, dust baths, and allow the girls to free range for several hours per day. We have one black...
  6. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Ducklings with bald spot on head

    I have 10 one week old ducklings of different breeds, and I noticed yesterday that my two buff orpingtons have both gotten a bald spot on the tops of their heads. It's a little worse than it looks in the picture. They're the only ones like that, but I'm not sure if that's normal "losing their...
  7. B

    Feather loss spreading from head down body

    Hello- we have 3 peking bantam chickens who have recently started mating. The cockerel started going bald just on his head and we rang a local vet who put this down to the stress of the first mating season. He has now lost feathers all the way down his neck too. One of the hens (the smallest...
  8. LovejoyHomestead

    Hen Losing Hair Atop Her Head

    I’ve got a hen who is suddenly balding stop her head. None of my other girls are losing feathers (we have 14 girls in total — no roosters). The last time mites entered into our coop they caused scaley feet which she does not seem to have. But I know this is sometimes a sign of mites. Just...
  9. N

    Extreme Bullying

    Hello All, I’m new here and am a bit panicked over my chicken situation. All of my hens about a year old. Noticed my two favorolles are getting picked on two where they are completely bald and there throat feathers have been plucked. There heads have sore marks. Should I grab them and separate...
  10. LittleFlinga

    Soft shelled eggs for soon 3 months

    After brooding, which we broke up, my silkie has been dropping softshelled eggs every day. You notice she wants to be in a quite place for a while, tail pointing up and slow walking. (pain?) Then after an hour or so you find she has dropped a softshelled egg. After this she’s active and her...
  11. Mariahthebright

    Bald Hen, Winter is Coming

    I have a chicken that recovered from a head injury, I dont think feathers will ever grow back on her head. I live in central Illinois, it gets pretty cold. Is there anything I can/should do for her? I can make her little hats, but not sure if they would stay on or really work Thanks in...
  12. HuskerHens18

    Bantams going bald

    I've noticed my frizzles and sizzles' heads have gone completely bald. There is no sores on anyone, the rest of their feathers seem normal. But their heads are completely featherless, they weren't like this a couple months ago. I haven't witnessed any bullying or even mating. Doesn't mean there...
  13. ChickenAhoy

    New Sick Chicken Having Trouble With Introduction to Flock

    We got a new Rhode Island Red hen that was at the bottom of the pecking order at her old home. Unknowingly we found that her head was bald and scabby. The woman that gave us the chicken decided that it was a good idea to introduce the chicken immediately to our two original hens. Lets just say...
  14. ChickensHaveFaythe


    OK so here goes I pray someone here can offer real help.*is there a place to share a pic to show the baby* I have a 2week old baby cocian whom I am starting to think I shouldn't have saved. I must preface this by saying her mummy and nest was invaded by an Opossum and there was much loss...
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