
  1. H

    Can Fermented Feed Sit Out?

    I’ve never used fermented feed before. If I feed it to my chickens, and there is some left over, how long can it sit out before going bad?
  2. Joyfillednomads

    Bad egg might have messed up hatch. Today is hatch day

    We had one smelly egg that we removed and candles the remaining eggs more than a week ago. Today is hatch day and we haven't even had a pip yet. So worried. A whole month of turning eggs and fretting over temp and humidity...
  3. R

    Hen not good mother

    Good day! One of my hen hatched 3chicks from the 5eggs. She seems to be not a good mother, she eats everything but not letting her chicks eat. Sometimes she pecks at them. Is this normal? What can i do? She is of a Texas breed which seems to show the aggressive behaviour. I am having hard time...
  4. rascal66

    Need advice for helping out hens with bad feathers

    Hello! So about 2 months ago, had a guy who needed to re home 70 hens asap. We gladly took them in, and needless to say, the poor hens didn't have a ton of space in their last home, which resulted in feather pickers. So today I want to focus on how to go about getting these hens feathers back...
  5. rascal66

    Was this chick born with a bad eye?

    I just hatched some chicks this past Saturday and today I realized that one of my chicks eye doesn't look normal... Sorry that the picture isn't very clear. He seems to be able to see okay but this eye also looks a little bit watery. Thoughts?
  6. rascal66

    Incubating and Hatching chicks with this incubator, low hatch rates, need advice

    Hello! I am doing lots of incubation this year, and the incubator I am using is the Chinese 48 egg incubator. (Unfortunately I did not do enough research on this bator, but it hasnt been terrible.) So far, I had one round of eggs incubated and hatch. It was about 23 Eggs and I had 14 hatch...
  7. chicken19


    My hen was attacked by the other chickens. I didn't notice until it was too late. She is separated from them now but really injured. They pecked a deep cut in her neck and tried to peck her eyeball out. It looks really infected and was sealed shut with yellow goop. She is cut in a bunch of...
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