
  1. N

    My duck has this weird wound on his feet

    Hi guys..My Pekin duck recently has this black and red scars on his feet..Idk what is this..I put some ointment on it but i guess it's getting worse(I'm not sure yet)...Is this a fungal infection or bacterial infection? And should i gave him antibiotics?
  2. L

    Virus? I can't feel an impacted egg or enlarged craw

    one day our hen went from lethargic and standing with droopy comb to no activity, droopy and pale comb, neither eating or drinking. Virus?
  3. Squeeing_Onion

    Quail and Parrots?

    I've heard it referenced before that people have kept quail in the bottoms of aviaries that house various species of parrots. My question is, how do you keep the birds safe bacteria wise? Do you need to introduce them as chicks? Do they share lethal disease like I've heard chickens and quail...
  4. Aprilxoxo

    Quail pen flooring?

    Hi everyone my quail pen is open to the natural earth but now a year has past the the dirt is very bad quality and is starting to effect their feet. After some heavy tropical rain and the fact that the soil is very clay like, it stayed damp for quite a long time, which led to them getting some...
  5. R

    Foot wound?

    Please help my indoor chickens..... They have black spots growth or wound on their feet .... been placing betadine and also oregano extract on their feet... not only on their feet there seems to have white spot on their comb / wattle. Multiple chickens involved. 2 pullet 5 month old, 3 2month...
  6. BabyAndPoki

    Hole in Beak?

    My little cockerel has a very strange hole in his beak? I have no idea how it could’ve gotten there but could this possibly be deadly? A long while ago it almost looked like his beak was “peeling” in that same spot so we sprayed it with vetricyn and let him back out. The day he received his...
  7. J

    Can food be bad?

    My hen normally has layers. I just bought a very large bag of grain from a local farmer, in the shop, but very cheap, 5 euros for 10 kilos. It looks to contain crushed corn, whole barley, it is quite dusty. I think my chickens poop goes wrong when I feed it to her, even a small amount. So I am...
  8. PrincessLay-a

    Hen with hard vent protrusion

    Hey everyone. Just this night I saw one of my hens sitting in the corner of the coop looking sad and droopy. When I picked her up I saw that she had a hard calcified lump coming out of her vent. I soaked her greatly in warm water and pulled it out. It was hard and smelled god awful. It didn't...
  9. 20andy19

    Possible Salmonella?

    Hi, recently i have been in hospital for 2 months and had to hire help with my chickens. Upon returning home i found the hired help wasn't tending to my feathered friends very well! He hadnt been cleaning or locking the feed away! Which has attracted rats, not just one... I have 'dealt' with...
  10. Keeperoflock

    BE AWARE - JUST READ THIS - VERY IMPORTANT Copied and pasted from link listed above. Dated: 5/18/2019 Salmonella alert: Backyard chickens have caused 21-state outbreak, CDC says Fifty-two...
  11. Sky5678

    Preventing salmonella and bacteria spreading to vegetable garden?

    Apologizes if this is the incorrect place to post this. I live in the city and my yard space is rather small (around ~150 square feet or so). I was thinking of getting quail and they'll be confined to a run. However my family does own a vegetable garden, and I'm worried if quail waste will be...
  12. B

    Leghorn's eye is yellow and closed!

    We just noticed this morning and it couldn't have been going on more than a few days. Her other eye seems fine, and she is acting totally normal. I don't notice anything weird with any of the other chickens either. I tried looking up exactly what it was but couldn't find any pictures that looked...
  13. Rose98

    Help Incubating Eggs

    I have 12 chicken eggs in the incubator they are up to day 16, 11 started forming 1 was infertile. It is nearly 2 years since my last hatch and have forgotten more then i thought when it comes to hatching eggs. We candled them tonight. There are a number of eggs that i cant decide are bacteria...
  14. J

    What is happening to my duck eggs? (Long post)

    I'm incubating duck eggs. This is the second time I've attempted. The incubator was cleaned and the duck eggs were wiped off with a dry cloth before placing them in the incubator. I had 8 and all of them were viable but on day 17 it appears only one still has vessels and is moving. The others...
  15. brooder

    Duck Poop (*pictures of feces included)

    Hey there, Could someone tell me if my duck's poop looks healthy? Just wanna double check their health. They free range all day and rarely choose to eat their food when they're not locked up. Thanks!
  16. SeaChickens

    The right treatment for sour crop?

    My 3-year old hen, Dottie, has a big squishy crop. On Tuesday I started her on miconazole 3-day yeast treatment (cut the suppository in thirds and gave her a third 2 x a day) after seeing it recommended on BYC. That first day when I gave it to her I could see the liquid in her throat, there...
  17. Lazy Farmer

    Too clean equals bad? fact or fiction?

    A couple days ago DH & I visited a neighboring farm / friends of ours. The conversation came up about cleanliness of chicken houses, runs Etc. Our friends are arguing the point that just like in humans there are good germs and bad germs. Some germs and bacteria you need, to boost and build your...
  18. rabrabs14

    Common types of bacteria in coops?

    Hi, I'm a high schooler with three rhode island reds and was doing an antibacterial project in school. I am wondering what kinds of bacteria are found in coops besides the typical salmonella and E. Coli. Thank you in advance!
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