@azygous @eggcessive @dawg53 @wyorp rock

  1. O

    Eggshell issues and eggwhite is water consistency

    Hey everyone So my Ameraucana she is about 10 months old and is been laying either a very hard shell egg one day and a supper soft shell the next. Also, the eggwhite is literally water no smell and the yolk is good. She doesn't seem to be sick , her poop is normal. She eats layer feed, corn and...
  2. Certified Chicken Lover

    EMERGENCY!!! HELP!!!!!

    So I went out to make sure my girls all went to bed and I found one of my EEs laying on the coop floor, I thought at first she had just fallen but then after she would not stand. She just keeps falling to the ground like legs are paralyzed, but then if I give her a push she will run across to a...
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