avian vet

  1. G

    Dislocated hip

    My avian vet confirmed with X-rays my 14 day old gosling has somehow dislocated his hip. I’ve got him in a sling so he can’t put weight on it until Tuesday while the vet tries to find a solution by talking to fellow avian vets overs the weekend. Anyone have any suggestions or help with this...
  2. AccidentalQuailKeeper

    What are Quail veterinary costs in Ontario,Canada?

    Hello! If you would to skip over the additional information my question is what are they veterinary costs for birds like in Ontario, Canada? I plan on taking her to a vet that has probably only ever dealt with birds like budgies/parakeets as I don't think I have many other options. I'm looking...
  3. S

    Recommendations for avian veterinarian in Los Angeles county?

    I found these contacts and want to know opinions of their chicken treating skill? https://www.exoticanimalveterinarycenter.com/ http://www.birdsandmore.com/aboutUs.html http://www.gsah.com/vet_medical_services.html#exotics https://www.wvpetclinic.com/about-us.html...
  4. W

    Injured duck question help.....

    So, I came home about two days ago and my duck was limping. He ins't putting weight on that foot and he has not eaten anything yet today. I know it isn't broken but what do I do? Should I see if it gets better by Monday or call and see the vet? I'm not sure why he is limping it could be...
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