araucana bantams

  1. A

    Is this an Easter Egger bantam?

    Purchased 4/10 from TSC as a straight run bantam. Wondering if it is an Easter Egger or if someone could help identify breed? Pullet or cockerel? Shown next to standard sized chick in last photo - super tiny! Thanks!!
  2. T

    Araucana American VS British Araucana

    American: has no crest has no tail and tailbone, so it is rumpless it is tufted, has ear tufts has no beard has no muffs has no wattles English: always crested always has tail face covered with thick muffling and ear muffs abundant ear-lobes moderately small and concealed by muffling has no wattles
  3. ReseisCL16

    Araucana Bantam Personalities

    What is the personality of the Araucana bantam? Would it be a good breed to begin breeding with? Thanks!:D
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