
  1. NelsonNedLover

    Natural Anti-Inflammatory Recs?

    My 5 y/o Bantam rooster has just been diagnosed with a firm and medium sized mass/tumor located right on his crop, he is scheduled to have surgery on Wednesday the 15th. My poor baby has been regurgitating and losing weight for a while, he's pretty lethargic and doesn't crow anymore. We were...
  2. Explorr746

    Greetings from Central PA

    Hi everyone, I have 17 chickens and 10 ducks I just lost my lovely buff orpington Henny this past month (RIP ole girl :( ) so I now have 2 buff orpingtons, 2 barred rocks, 1 Columbian Wyandotte, 3 silver laced and 3 golden laced Wyandotte, and 6 Isa Browns. I have 5 Pekins, 2 blue Swedish, 1...
  3. Explorr746

    Pekin limping badly, arthritis joint issue

    My poor Stella has been limping since this past fall. She has been to the vet 2 times, given liquid antibiotics anti-inflammatory meds (2xday which she hated!) and had her joint drained. Wintertime her limp was not horrible but then none of the them roamed very far either so she wasn't moving as...
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