alfalfa hay

  1. ChickaChicka1

    Big old 50lb of hay

    How long does 50 pounds of hay last for one rabbit? More specifically a rabbit that's about 3-4 pounds.
  2. T


    Is dry Lucerne Chaff in a mash form good for chickens? The bag says that it contains 15% protein. They love it.
  3. Techniques in Feeding Your Flock "Off the Grid"

    Techniques in Feeding Your Flock "Off the Grid"

    I have often wondered what I would do to feed my flock should circumstances arise which prevented me from purchasing pre-bagged formulated feed from the feed store. Hurricanes, floods, forest fires, other natural disasters, not to mention the world's shaky economy, any one of these scenarios...
  4. CzyChikenMath

    New Egg good with Chicken Math and needing Advice

    Good Day Everyone. I live in Southern New Jersey and have been following this site and researching everywhere since Someone planted the idea in my head in April to get a couple chickens. Now 4 months later I have 250, 25 or so different breeds (most Heritage, or/and dual purpose). I free...
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