air circulation

  1. The_Chicken_Tender

    Coop Ventilation Help (Lots of Pictures Included!)

    I have raised chickens for a long time, and I have always had a standard chicken coop (hardware cloth sides, upstairs area for roosts and nest boxes, etc). However, I decided to upgrade to something bigger now that I have a much larger flock (and the fact that the old coops were practically...
  2. Captnrex

    My coop start to "finish"

    And why having an actual (blueprint) plan is a good idea, cause I didn't lol My original idea was I knew I wanted it 8 foot long (bottom 4x4s) but finally figured 6 foot wide.... + the 2x4s running on the outside of the vertical 4x4s buddy works at a hospital equipment delivery place so he had...
  3. blayt90

    Air circulation

    Is to much air circulation a bad thing when incubating eggs? The reason I asked is because I added an extra fan to my incubator thinking it was a good thing. Last hatching I hatched 14 out of 17 eggs with the factory fan only. This time I lost every egg I had and I had added a extra fan to...
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