
  1. A Checklist to Avoiding Casualties in the Flock

    A Checklist to Avoiding Casualties in the Flock

    Now there are many different things that happen from the most obvious to the least. No matter what it seems like they're always getting into trouble. But we can limit those different happenings with a simple procedure I’ve developed called: A.L.S.H.S Ariel Predators Larger Predators Smaller...
  2. olivigus

    Can a chicken have a stroke?

    Had a big scare with one of my youngsters this weekend. I have four 10-week-old pullets that were raised by one of our hens who went broody this spring. They are still in their own small coop and yard in a corner of the big pen. When I opened the door in the morning on Saturday only three of...
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