3 week chick

  1. CyborgBabyMama20

    3 week old Easter egger Roo?

    We got a few Easter egger pullets from TS about 3 weeks ago, and normally I would say that’s way too early to sex a chick but what do you guys think? This one’s comb and waddles are very bright, and it’s comb is pretty wide though very flat.
  2. A

    Speckled Sussex - hen or roo

    Alright, this is "Sauron", and we are hoping she's a hen. I know it's too early too be definitively sexed, but my kids love her and if she ends up being a roo...well, I just want to set expectations now. Sauron is a smidge over 3 weeks old. We got her (and the other ladies) from a local shop...
  3. Bluechickens21

    Is my chick ok?

    Hey everyone So I got some chicks on March 22nd, so they are almost 3 weeks old. I also got two chicks on April 7th. I added them to the brooder and the one is doing great, she is chasing the big ones and getting food and water, the other one is getting food and water but she doesn’t really...
  4. The chicken nurd

    What breed/gender are these chicks

    I got these chicks at a poultry show raffle there about 3-4 weeks old I was told one is an olive egger, one is a black copper marans, and one is an unknown breed all of them are unsexed Chick 1. Non single comb, 4 toes, slightly feathered feet Chick 2. Single comb, 4 toes, slightly...
  5. L

    New chick mama and getting great info from BYC

    Hi everyone! I'm a new chick mama(6wks in) who's been getting amazing info and guidance from BYC since the beginning! I thought I would join the lovely community now. :frow (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I'm still pretty new and have a 3 week old that hatched...
  6. R

    3 Week Old Chick Randomly Has Twisted Leg

    I have a chick that hatched on or around March 1st. I just opened the brooder to check on them and her leg is twisted almost backwards. She doesn’t want to walk on it as much either, but she can use her toes. She is sitting on her hocks quite a bit though. I don’t know what to do about this...
  7. C

    Lost just one 3wk old chick inside

    I have lost chicks during hatch but never a healthy chick this late in the game. I have eight, three week old chicks in a Brooder inside. One of them seemed lethargic last night and was dead this morning. Everyone else seems totally fine and healthy. No poopy butt and no suspected foul play. Any...
  8. Duckduckgoosie

    Best guess?

    I know it’s early but Pinkie is my favorite, hopefully 100% Maran. Guesses?
  9. meepANDpeep

    3 Silkie-Mix - NC - Suspected Rooster (3 week old chicks) - In Need of Rehomimg

    Hi, I already have 3 roosters in a small and delicate flock. I have 3 chicks growing up that I suspect at this point are roosters from my recent batch of chicks that I have to re-home. Another rooster would mess up the delicate balance I have going in my flock - let alone 3. They are silkie...
  10. clownpooles

    Rescued 3 Week Old Quail - Need Advice

    I live in the US Southwest and unfortunately I caught my dog with this baby quail in our backyard 2 days ago. Its in the middle of summer right now in the desert so it's incredibly hot out. Thankfully my dog wasn't biting down on her and was just curious. Ants were already starting to approach...
  11. B

    Google doesnt know! Chick with unusual behaviors

    I have a chick that I hatched with about 24 others that it's about 3 weeks old. Last Wednesday it began loudly complaining constantly. When it's siblings we're placed in an outdoor recreation pen they would run and flap their wings, but not this guy. He would sit and complain. On Thursday he...
  12. R

    3 week old BO cockerels?

    Hi all :frow I currently have 7 BO chicks and am noticing some differences between some. I have 4 that have basically no tail feathers yet (just little pin feathers starting), and appear to stand taller than the others. The other 3 have 2-3 inch tails, and seem almost "fuller" when it comes to...
  13. Wardahjnn

    3 weekers..

    Hi, we have 13 chicks presently ranging from 1-11 weeks they all get along great. We live in Fresno , CA. We have all those 6 weeks and over outside without a lamp in the coop. My concern is in 2 weeks we will be gone overnight for 1-2 days. i would like for them all to be outside by then. The...
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