1 week old chick

  1. D

    Wry neck or broken neck?

    Possible wry neck. Chick is about 5 days old and was fine last night. Its completely imobile and unable to move on its own past the occasional flap of the wings or foot twitching. Head is stuck to the right and it cant seem to stay awake for very long. Im mainly concerned about the feeling in...
  2. S

    Sick baby chick! Baby chick closing eyes while standing, not moving around

    Hello there, we got baby chicks yesterday from a market, and the next day one of the four baby chicks who was doing fine yesterday is standing up and closing its eyes and isn’t moving around, the other chicks seem completely fine just eating and chirping. This one is just standing there and...
  3. T

    Sick week old wyandotte

    After bringing my chicks in from the garage to keep warm during a power outage I noticed that one of my wyandottes is breathing through her mouth and making a crackling noise. I haven't noticed any diarrhea or any other symptoms Any idea what it could be or at least a general treatment? They...
  4. meepANDpeep

    Baby Chick - Breath Like Rotten Fruit - Please Help

    I brought home three baby chicks last week, and introduced them in with my little singleton chick from a lone hatch. They were from two different local farms, all under a week old except one that is two weeks. The two I'm concerned about are one that was one day old and is now 6 days, and the...
  5. T

    Help please!

    Hi I have a one week almost two week old chick, I’m kind of worried because I noticed she’s been making a clicking sound whenever she breathes. I thought hey maybe this is normal until she started having sneezing fits every once in a while, she also opens her mouth like she’s yawning trying to...
  6. ChickChic00

    Price on Crosses??

    RIRxISA Brown- $3 Each? Easter Egger- $3.75 Each? Barred Rock Roo x Rir- $2.50 Each? Delaware x Light Brahma roo x Rir- $3.75 Each? RIR x RIR - $2.50 Each? All are must buy at least 4. Any help would be appreciated!! Let me know if you think these are good prices for 1 day old to 1 week old...
  7. BudgieKing15


    My about-1-week-old ISA Brown chicks are doing great! They have grown in their first wing feathers, and are about double their original size.
  8. Blazegglo

    One of my baby chicks I think might be sick and dying...

    Ok I've had chicks before and never had a problem but this time I got 4 chicks and 2 ducklings. I have two ideas of what could have maybe happend but I'm not sure.I put them all in the same large tub with a light, food, and water. Well the ducks tipped the water over and got one of the chicks...
  9. T

    Week old chick with hard crop

    Hello- New chicken mother here, so I’m looking for advice or someone to tell me to calm down and wait just out, if that is appropriate. I have an 8 day old BO pullet who is acting 100% normal- eating, drinking, sleeping like all the others and so so sweet, but her crop is rock hard. I noticed...
  10. Quailberries

    10 day old crooked beak EE... is she going to be ok?

    We found that our 10-day-old-EE pullet, Mercy, had a crooked beak forming around a week ago. Since then, it’s gotten a lot worse visually, but it doesn’t seem to be taking a toll on her quality of life at all. She drinks fine, and though she tends to spend a little bit more time with food than...
  11. H

    Baby Chick Ate Slime

    Hi all. Just posting this thread to confirm that he will be okay. So I was playing with my sisters slime which includes Borax, Glue, etc. I had a little bit stuck on my fingernail when I picked up my 1 week old rooster Joey. He saw it and picked up the small amount of slime and ate it. Since I...
  12. Reilyjarm

    Hard Substance on wing of 1 week old chick- Advice NEEDED!

    Hi all! I am new to the chicken world and got 5, day old chicks in the mail last Tuesday. My strongest and largest chick, Harriett (a barred plymouth rock) suddenly has some hard substance on her wing. I was wondering if I should use some warm water and try to soak it off or if this is normal...
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