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  1. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    No dustbaths for our chickies here - high 20s & nearly a foot of snow :-(
  2. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    here's a pretty EE cross (with Iowa Blue)
  3. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    others : Big Red & daddy 2Tone
  4. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    her buddy Dune (short for sand dune (1/2 EE +1/2 Iowa Blue))
  5. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    EE hen Drift (short for snow drift) - she looks dirty, but that is just her feather colour
  6. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    cuties !
  7. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    Chocolate + Vanilla 3 weeks old
  8. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    ive noticed that our chicks & chickens arent very cooperative for posing for photographs . . . .
  9. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    we had an "oops" mix with a EE roo & iowa blue hen - she lays a light olive egg
  10. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    very nice
  11. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    2 little EE cuties from 03/07 hatch:
  12. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    @TommyDaDelaware : your Olaf Roo looks a bit like a cockerel we re-homed last fall - he's not an EE tho, but a mix of Iowa Blue dad & a RSL mama .
  13. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    here's the one that i am liking the coloration so far (im not sure on this one if this is an EE or Chantecler mix) :
  14. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    here's our dozen (they are 3 weeks old) (4 EEs, 3 Iowa Blues, & 5 are 75% Chantecler/25% IaB) :
  15. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    our 12 babies from last weekend hatch - the 2 patterend ones & 2 of the white ones are EEs . the other 5 light ones are Chantecler & the 3 darker ones are Iowa Blue chicks:
  16. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    some very pretty birds posted recently
  17. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    a legbar & a couple blue marans are on our "wish list" for someday, but right now we have enough going on with our small flocks of EEs , Chanteclers , & Iowa Blues breeding projects , & 3 other misc hens.
  18. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    i wish we could get a blue egg-layer like you kenzier, but ours lay green ones
  19. iamfivewire

    Easter Egger club!

    a cover of some sort would be a good idea . we have an EE that flew out over a 6 ft tall kennel panel.
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